Just Dance 2022 review scores are in: and it's time for all of us to get back on the dance floor! We're here to share the Nintendo Switch review scores, and share whether or not Just Dance 2022 has got the groove. Ready to dance? Let's go.

Just Dance 2022 Review Scores: 75 for the Switch on Metacritic

In general, Just Dance 2022 is more Just Dance. That's the core and gist of it. With the return of World Dance Floor and classic Just Dance game modes like Kids Mode, Sweat Mode, and Co-op Mode, Just Dance 2022 features a meatier version of the game. But Just Dance 2022 review scores do not stop with just an assessment of its content.

Possibly referencing dancing progenitor Dance Dance RevolutionEveryeye.it says about the game:

Just Dance 2022 is a dance without a revolution, but what a dance, ladies and gentlemen. Strengthened by a sensational line-up that ranges from the old glories of the past to the new stars of the present (even virtual ones), the last chapter of the series focuses on the quality of the selected pieces and on choreographies of indisputable specific weight. The various levels of difficulty ensure an experience within everyone's reach.”

Nintenderos also have the same feelings about the game, saying:

Just Dance 2022 offers us again hours and hours of dancing with new songs and visual effects that join the songs that Ubisoft has already included in previous games. However, as you may have noticed, the news in relation to game mechanics and modes are practically non-existent.”

Both reviewers gave Just Dance 2022 review scores of 8/10 both, showing how slow the improvements have been to Just Dance. Another publication that gave the game an 8/10 is Gaming Trend, which gave Just Dance 2022 some pass, explaining that Ubisoft has still improved upon the Just Dance formula, albeit mostly superficially:

“There’s no doubt that Just Dance 2022 has fallen into some of the traps of other annual games by not making it feel like a total makeover, but once you feel the quality of the choreography and see the improved visuals, you can’t deny that Ubisoft is still trying to deliver an exceptional product where it counts: the dancing and song selection. Even as one who is slightly out of touch with current hits, most of them successfully motivate me to get off my butt and start dancing.”

The most scathing review came from Nintendo Life. Giving the Just Dance 2022 a review score of 6/10, a “Not Bad” score. And that score really encapsulates what Just Dance 2022 is. It's not bad. Its score is middling not because of glaring issues or bad gameplay, but because of its mediocrity and baseness. The review reads:

Just Dance 2022 is okay. It's more of the same with some cool new tracks, a slick and smooth experience overall that plays it safe and works just fine as a result. However, it also constantly pushes its subscription service and ends up feeling a little convoluted and tacky as it spends more time flogging tracks you don't own over letting you enjoy the ones included with the base game. Fans of the series — or anyone who's just danced to even a single track from the series — will know exactly what they're getting here, but newcomers should be aware that they'll need to fork out more cash after buying the game in order to enjoy the full experience.”

That about sums up the entire Just Dance 2022 experience. Those who will be getting the game as their first in the series will make the most out of it, but everyone else might not be too thrilled to give this one a go. This goes to show that standards for games nowadays have been higher than before, with games needing to bring more to the table for them to succeed. It's no longer enough to simply be a good game. Games now need to be innovative, unique, and set apart from the rest of the pack.

Conclusion: Is Just Dance 2022 worth your time and money?

With a Metacritic score of 75, there haven't been any overwhelming reception for Just Dance 2022. At best, it's exactly what players would expect it to be, with content recycled from previous iterations and new, debuting songs. But in terms of innovation, there's not much here in this game. So, if you have had the previous titles in the series and aren't that thrilled with the new songs or the returning game modes, it might not be a great idea to hop into this one.