Kevin Spacey is facing 12 charges from four men of sexual assault. Now his long awaited criminal trial has begun in London. The four week long trial started Wednesday morning (June 28). For the first day, they organized legal logistics and judge Mark Wall swore in a 12 member jury. The case was adjourned until Friday morning, per The Hollywood Reporter.

Four different men accused Kevin Spacey of sexual assault occurring between 2001 to 2013. Spacey’s 12 charges including seven counts of sexual assault, three counts of indecent assault, one count of forced nonconsensual sexual activity, and one count of causing a person to engage in penetrative sexual activity without consent. Spacey denied all charges.

Judge Wall acknowledged the amount of press interest the case had drawn and jurors to avoid media coverage when possible.

The accusations first came about in 2017, and this trial marks the first time the actor is facing charges. A year ago almost, Spacey first took the stand at Westminster Crown Crown on June 16, 2022 to have the initial five allegations read out to him. The trial also questions whether or not the actor has a future in entertainment. Although, the actor is confident he’ll find work should his name be cleared.

There, his defense counsel argued for the actor’s unconditional bail, allowing him to move in and out of the U.K. freely. The prosecutor pushed for him to have his passport taken away, stressing that given the severity of the sentence were he to be found guilty, it was concerning that he might be a flight risk, but they lost to the defense on that front.

If found guilty, Spacey faces a prison sentence.