Latto, the Atlanta-based rapper known for her unapologetic attitude and hit tracks, recently opened up about her decision to undergo a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) at the age of 21, per Complex. In a heartfelt social media video, she shared insights into the pressures she faced from internet trolls and societal standards that ultimately led to her opting for the cosmetic procedure.

Pressure from Internet Trolls

At just 21 years old, Latto found herself catapulted into fame and fortune after signing a major record deal. With newfound financial freedom came the ability to indulge in her love for food, leading to some weight gain. However, instead of celebrating her success, Latto encountered harsh criticism online. She recalled receiving the label “bad-bodied” and faced constant scrutiny over her natural physique.

“I gained a little weight, and everybody on the internet was calling me bad body and stuff,” Latto explained in her video. The relentless comments took a toll on her self-esteem, fueling insecurities about her body image. “People were saying I’m built weird… I was just young and impressionable,” she added, highlighting the impact of cyberbullying on her mental health.

Driven by the desire to conform to societal beauty standards and escape the harsh judgments, Latto made the decision to undergo a BBL. Also, she candidly shared how the pressure to fit a certain physical ideal pushed her towards cosmetic surgery, believing it would boost her confidence and quiet her detractors.

“After receiving the surgery, people shamed me for going under the knife,” Latto revealed. Despite hoping the procedure would alleviate her insecurities, she faced backlash and accusations whenever she posted fitness-related content. “Every time I post a gym picture, people be like, ‘Oh, she got a BBL,’” she lamented, highlighting the hypocrisy and stigma associated with plastic surgery.

Embracing Self-Acceptance

Despite the mixed reactions and societal pressures, Latto has come to embrace her journey with both its highs and lows. She acknowledged the lessons learned from her experience with plastic surgery and the importance of finding inner peace and self-acceptance.

Also, in a previous interview with Cosmopolitan and during her Apple Music show, 777, Latto expressed frustration with the double standards faced by women who undergo cosmetic procedures. From being criticized for her natural physique to facing scrutiny after surgery, she navigated through conflicting expectations and societal judgments.

A Call for Personal Choice and Respect

In her recent livestream, Latto delivered a powerful message advocating for personal autonomy and respect. She urged everyone to refrain from judgment and focus on what makes them feel confident and empowered. “Do what works for you and mind your own business,” she asserted, emphasizing that both natural beauty and cosmetic enhancements deserve equal respect and validation.

Furthermore, Latto’s journey with plastic surgery underscores the complexities faced by individuals navigating societal beauty standards in the digital age. Her openness about her BBL decision not only sheds light on the pressures celebrities endure but also encourages a broader conversation about body positivity and self-image in today’s culture.

As she continues to evolve as an artist and public figure, Latto’s transparency serves as a reminder that everyone’s path to self-acceptance is unique. By sharing her story, she hopes to empower others to embrace their authenticity and find confidence from within, regardless of external judgments.