Patch 12.1 will soon go live in League of Legends, set to launch worldwide on January 4, 2022. With that, several changes have rolled out on the PBE to test out how these might affect the state of the game in Season 12. Besides changes to champions and the terrain or map, several items are also set to be buffed or nerfed, including the mythic item Immortal Shieldbow. Here's what we know so far about the planned item changes when the first patch of Season 12 arrives early next year.

League of Legends Season 12 (Patch 12.1): Item Changes

Immortal Shieldbow [Nerf]

Of all the items set to undergo changes in Patch 12.1, one of the most significant is Immortal Shieldbow. This mythic item shot to popularity in Season 11 and could stake a fair claim over helping AD champions, especially bot lane carries as well as the likes of Irelia, turn near unkillable. Shieldbow provides bonus attack damage and a protective shield, helping champions not only survive but also dish out hard-hitting blows to enemies. Both aspects will be getting nerfed come next season, though.

  • Bonus attack damage: 55 -> 50
  • Shield: blocks 300-800 damage -> blocks 275-650 damage per proc

Eclipse [Nerf]

Another mythic item getting slightly nerfed is Eclipse. Although, perhaps the more accurate phrasing is to say that the item will revert back to how it was before. Recently, Riot developers had shortened the cooldown for activating a buff (15% bonus move speed and a shield) for melee champions, lowering it to just six seconds between procs. For Patch 12.1, the cooldown will increase back up to eight seconds between each activation of Eclipse's buff.

  • Cooldown for proc: 6 seconds -> 8 seconds

Force of Nature [Buff]

In the latest PBE cycle, Force of Nature appeared as the only item getting direct buffs for Patch 12.1. The item gives Champions a movement speed buff, and this will now last for seven seconds—compared to five seconds currently on live. It will also provide increased defenses, as the magic damage reduction stat has risen by a whole five percent.

  • Move speed buff effect duration: 5 seconds -> 7 seconds
  • Magic damage reduction: 20% -> 25%.

Wit’s End [New build path]

Finally, Wit's End will also be undergoing some changes, though these are neither direct buffs nor nerfs. Instead, the item's build path will be normalized, such that the component items have stats that more closely match the final Wit's End. The current recipe involves Heartbound Axe, Negatron Cloak, and a Long Sword (and 750 gold). For the new path, the Negatron Cloak gets “downgraded” to its component Null-magic Mantle at half the cost. Meanwhile, the Long Sword is replaced by more powerful (and more expensive) Pickaxe.

  • Wit's End new recipe:
    • Heartbound Axe (1100 gold) – Dagger (300 gold) + Long Sword (350 gold) + 450 gold
    • Null-magic Mantle (450 gold)
    • Pickaxe (875 gold)
    • 675 gold

Stay updated with the rest of the expected changes for Season 12 by checking out our masterlist.