In recent months, Nintendo has done so much to upset their consumers and fans in many different ways. From the abrupt cancellation of popular Nintendo-focused Youtube channels to the denial of Super Smash Bros games to have a mainstage presence at EVO 2022. It seems like, despite Nintendo being able to churn out some of the most amazing and beloved games of all time, their business practices still seem to be stuck in the stone ages.

However, Hungrybox, a smash bros player known for his competitive reign in the Super Smash Bros Melee esports scene, has taken the opportunity to call out Nintendo on their shenanigans during the first-ever “Streamer Awards“, hosted by Youtube users QTCinderalla and Maya, as he took to the stage to accept the “Best Super Smash Bros Streamer” award on behalf of another competitor smash bros player and Twitch streamer, Mang0.

While Hungrybox had a fair amount of praise to give to Mang0, the majority of his open message to Nintendo was as follows:

“Mang0 supported Smash Bros. It isn't the flashiest game. It isn't the biggest game. We don't have the most play, by far, but he did more than a certain company called Nintendo did.”

“I'm hoping that this year, with the circuit they're doing, they'll hopefully, finally give us a chance that we never had. Even though we're not at EVO, and even though we're not at a lot of events, Smash is a beautiful game. It deserves to shine, and Mang0 has shown us this game can be the most beautiful thing you've ever seen in eSports.”

In his open message, he mentioned that Nintendo recently teamed up with Panda eSports to host the first officially licensed Super Smash Bros eSports circuit in North America, which sent a huge shock to the competitive smash bros community, as Nintendo has done so much to deny the competitive community in the past.

With the hopes of many riding on this new circuit, Hungrybox and others are hoping that Nintendo will finally realize that there is a lot of good PR (and money) to be made in supporting the competitive eSports scene.