Fortnite is no stranger to having collaborations with superheroes from both DC and Marvel. In fact, the game already features a plethora of heroes from both universes. This season, Fortnite further expanded its superhero roster by adding in Spider-Man. According to leaks, Epic Games is planning on adding that icing on the cake by bringing in beloved Spider-Man characters in the form of MJ Watson and the Green Goblin. 

Reliable Fortnite leaker HYPEX is back at it with another leak and mentioned characters from the Spiderverse are coming to Fortnite. They mentioned on Twitter that both Mary Jane and Green Goblin are going to be NPCs in the Daily Bugle. HYPEX believes that players will be able to purchase an Infinite Web Shooter from Mary Jane for 400 Gold Bars. The leaker also thinks that Green Goblin could come to the game too considering Foundation has a Glider Animation. Lastly, they also mentioned that three characters are coming to Fortnite, however, information regarding the third is yet to come out.

HYPEX may have been a reliable leaker this whole time, however, everyone should take this with a grain of salt. Even so, at least we know that Spiderverse characters are coming to Fortnite since Epic Games said so. We’re just not sure if it’s really going to be Mary Jane and Green Goblin. Whoever Epic does decide to add, we’re pretty sure fans will still be happy to see them.