Coach Matt Rhule is already having a hard time in his first season leading the Nebraska football program. Arik Gilbert might have his NCAA eligibility revoked on account of alleged burglary. The Cornhuskers' five-star tight end was arrested after he was seen walking with a huge bag of liquor and vapes. His stint with Nebraska may be as short as with LSU football and Georgia football.

Arik Gilbert had an NFL upside that most NCAA programs coveted in the 2020 recruiting class. So far, he has not been able to live up to the hype and top-60 ranking in the nation. His move to the Nebraska football program prompted an eligibility wait since he had already used his transfer exception in the past. He could now be facing bigger problems.

So far, the Lincoln Police Department has the Cornhuskers tight end in their custody. He had been seen with $ 1,672 worth of stolen items. The store he had broken into had to deal with $650 worth of damages. There has been new footage released of his attempted burglary that was released by TMZ.

Matt Rhule also had a tight-lipped statement regarding his player's felony charge via Adam Rittenberg of ESPN. “I'm not prepared to speak on that and I don't know anything about it. I really just got that phone call and I'm not going to jump to conclusions about things,” the Nebraska football coach admitted. This might have just derailed Gilbert's chances of getting back on track to fulfill his NFL dreams.