A few weeks before release, Nintendo shadow dropped a Kirby and the Forgotten Lands demo at the Nintendo eShop.

Players who are not yet convinced that Kirby in a Super Mario Odyssey setup would work would be able to download the Kirby and the Forgotten Land demo in the Nintendo eShop starting today. This was originally unintentionally leaked by a now-unpublished Lawson Convenience Store post, where it indicated that the demo will be coming to the eShop on March 7. The post intended to inform its customers of Kirby gift cards, with the demo information apparently un-approved for posting, hence the un-publishing. Akfamilyhome was able to save a screenshot for posterity, thankfully.

In any case, the demo is now up and running, and can be downloaded from the eShop. The demo features the first three levels of the game (yes, levels, as the game is more like Super Mario Odyssey than a full-blown open-world like originally reported) and can carry over the game's data to the full game. This will give players a taste of the 3D level design of the game, its co-op gameplay with Bandana Waddle Dee, and the all-new Mouthful Mode feature, giving players a headstart in saving Kirby's Waddle Dee friends in the game. Kirby and the Forgotten Land will be released solely on the Nintendo Switch console on March 25, 2022.