AMC has asked that the Beyhive leave their headwear and wings at home when they go see Renaissance: A Film By Beyonce, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

The film's distributor released the guidelines for the superstar's concert movie, which is expected to earn $21 million to $24 million for its opening after it got CinemaScore's A+ rating plus stellar reviews.

Like Taylor Swift's Swifties, AMC is encouraging Beyonce fans to dress up, take selfies and sing during the movie. They also gave out the same warnings about not recording the actual movie, not dancing on the seats or blocking fellow moviegoers from “viewing, safely walking or exiting the auditorium.” Hence the warning about the headgear and wings.

The guideline further said, “You know the words, you know the choreography — sing & dance your heart out, but please respect each other’s space along with the theatre equipment.”

For fans who want to emulate the singer's wardrobe, the guideline said, “We want to see your amazing outfits! Feel free to take selfies and group shots to celebrate the occasion and the beautiful ensembles you came up with.”

However it continued with, “If parts of your outfit will potentially block other viewers from the screen, please remove them as the film begins (ex. headwear, wings, etc.), and please keep in mind that masks (except for standard face masks used explicitly for health and safety reasons) are not permitted.”

The concert film runs for two hours and 48 minutes, aside from the 15 to 20 minute trailers so the Beyhive was advised to “plan your bathroom breaks or other needs accordingly.”

Beyonce's film has maintained its 100% critics' score since Friday, and an almost 99% audience score since Saturday.