While at an event in Rome, Italy, Russell Crowe spoke about the hot button topic of artificial intelligence and creativity. This question comes about during the Writer’s Guild of America (WGA) strike.

“I think artificial intelligence is a threat to creativity,” Crowe told The Hollywood Reporter of the WGA strike. “If we let it take over, the creativity of the human mind will be lost and our lives will all be much poorer…. We are at an extremely important and dangerous turning point. The writers’ and actors’ unions along with the producers are pushing to try to find a solution.”

Russell Crowe doesn’t seem hopeful, though: “You would think that maybe, since they are adults, they would take mature considerations. But unfortunately, when there is so much money at stake, the situation is not ideal. I hope it will be resolved soon. As for me, I believe that a prolonged strike or long negotiations between the producers and studios would not lead to a better situation, but a worse one.”

The Gladiator alum has been in the film industry for over 30 years, so he’s seen a lot of changes. On change in particular was one he experiences on the set of Robin Hood.

“It’s something I experienced on the set of Robin Hood in 2010. It was a huge set with lots of construction and a massive physical presence. They had even rebuilt a castle. That’s where I had my epiphany. I realized it would be the last time I would be on a set like that,” he recalled.

Crowe lamented the loss of films like A Beautiful Mind where it’s more of a mid-budget project. “Over the years, I got to be in Marvel movies. There, you’re in huge green spaces that get filled with scenery in post production. While there’s nostalgia for the past, you have to come to terms with change. There is no middle ground anymore: Today, you go from huge budget films to low-budget films. The middle slice, a film like A Beautiful Mind, is missing. Those stories are only being made as TV series.”