Seattle Seahawks star Jamal Adams is progressing well in his recovery from leg injury, but don't expect him to return any time soon.

Head coach Pete Carroll said as much after Adams was seen in the Seahawks' practice facility for his regular check-in with the team's athletic training staff. The rest of the team is happy to see Adams again after his brutal Week 1 injury–during which he tore his quadriceps tendon and damaged his knee–adding that his return lifted the spirits of his teammates.

Carroll pointed out that Adams is on track in the recovery timeline they set, noting that he is “making good progress” overall.

“It's been a while. This is a hard recovery. It's really taxing. He's been through a lot. He'd tell you. It's been rigorous to get back where he's really walking and he’s up on it and going and all that. He's got a big old zipper on his knee and all that. This injury in particular is a difficult one. It's a challenging one. But he's doing great, and he's happy about it now. He's finally going and really can feel the progress and start getting strong again and all that,” Carroll shared.

For what it's worth, however, Pete Carroll highlighted that Jamal Adams isn't going to practice with the team any time soon. The Seahawks tactician shared that “it's going to take him the whole offseason” to fully recover from the issue, so fans shouldn't have their hopes up of an early return for the star safety.

True enough, the Seahawks can only be patient when it comes to Adams considering the severity of his injury. The good thing is he has avoided any major setback in his recovery, and hopes are high it stays the same throughout his rehab.