Your journey gets more interesting when you meet Momo. Find out where are all the Outsiders Notebooks Locations in our Stray Guides.

Stray Guides – Chapter 4 The Slums: All Outsiders Notebooks Locations

When the chaos has settled down the first time you arrive in The Slums, showing the robot inhabitants of the area the photo of The Outside you've just gotten will tell you to find Momo. Momo is one of The Outsiders, a group of robots who want to get to “The Outside”, the world that the sun touches apparently away from the desolate place they now live in. But many of the robots don't actually believe that The Outside exists and that it's just a myth.

Momo can be found on the upper levels of The Slums, and you can enter his room through a hole in the wall to the upper right of his door. When you find Momo, he'll show you his Notebook, the first of the four Outsiders Notebooks you can find. Momo has lost all hope in getting to The Outside, but maybe, with your help, there's hope. So, it's now up to you to find all four Outsiders Notebooks to give Momo the hope that you can still reach The Outside. Here are the locations of all the four Outsiders Notebooks:

  1. Momo's Notebook – Show Momo the picture of the Outside.
  2. Zbalatar's Notebook – Find the house on the upper levels that has a grilled door. Go on top of the roof and find the power plug to the side. Remove the power plug to turn the exhaust fan off. With the exhaust fan off, drop down to his room and find his notebook lying on the floor.
  3. Doc's Notebook – Find the library on the upper levels with a low grill that lets you squeeze under. This room is full of books, but you shouldn't have any trouble navigating past the rubble and finding a backroom behind a pile of books on the floor. Find the key in this room, which will give you a hint on where to find a safe that contains Doc's Notebook. On the third row of shelves, find a pile of books that you can knock down by jumping on them. The safe should be behind it. Use the key to open it to find Doc's Notebook.
  4. Clementine's Notebook – From Momo's room, ride the bucket zipline and cross the rooftops to the opposite side of the city. When inside Clementine's room, find the computer in the backroom. You'll find her notebook on top of the computer panel.

Finding all of the Notebooks and showing them to Momo will have him realize something, which will push the story forward to the next chapter.

Stray is out now on PS4, PS5, and PC. The game is free as part of this month's PlayStation Plus Extra subscription service. For more Stray Guides, click here. For our Stray Review, click here.