The First Descendant is a third-person looter shooter PvE game filled with different characters to play as. Each character will have a different set of skills and abilities. When hopping on to a game similar to a hero-shooter, players need to figure out which character suits their playstyle the most.

With that being said, here are all The First Descendant characters and their abilities.

All The First Descendant Characters

As of the upcoming launch, The First Descendant will feature 14 characters. Each character has a corresponding role. The game has a total of 11 roles, which also means there will be 11 different playstyles for players to choose from.

Here's a full list of all the characters and their assigned roles. Players can also refer to The First Descendant's official website.

AjaxThe First Descendant CharactersRole: Tank

Feature: A tanker that utilizes Void Energy. He leads the team with a Forcefield that protects allies while deflecting enemy attacks.

Descendant Attribute: Non-Attribute

Passive Skill:
Event Horizon – Acquires Void Energy after using skills. When the Void Energy reaches its maximum amount, it enhances skills and grants additional effects.

Active Skills:

  • Orbit Barrier – Creates a shield in front of Ajax. Durability increases proportionally to Ajax’s HP and DEF. (If enhanced, reflects damage proportional to DEF to enemies hitting the barrier)
  • Void Walk – Leaps into the air and lands on the ground to strike nearby enemies, stunning them. (If enhanced, Max Shield increases for a certain period of time)
  • Expulsion – Strikes nearby enemies, knocking them back. (If enhanced, knockback range and Max Shield are increased)
  • Hypercube – Creates a dome-shaped shield. Durability increases proportionally to Ajax’s HP and DEF. (If enhanced, reflects damage proportional to DEF to enemies hitting the barrier)


Role: DoT Dealer

Feature: A chef who deals continuous damage and who manipulates fire. Gains energy by adjusting firepower. The hot dishes he throws trap the enemies eternally in a flame zone.

Descendant Attribute: Fire

Passive Skill:
Pitmaster – Critical Hit Damage increases when attacking enemies in the Burn state. Critical Hit Chance increases depending on the number of Stoves on the battlefield.

Active Skills:

  • Blaze Up – Spurts flame to deal damage to nearby enemies and creates Stove. Stove inflicts constant damage and Burn effect to nearby enemies.
  • Extinguish – Retrieves Stoves in the battlefield and restores Mana. Retrieving Stoves increases DEF for a short period of time.
  • Burn Taste – Spurts flames forward. Enemies near the flames’ arrival point are inflicted with constant damage and Burn effect.
  • Deadly Cuisine – Throws a large fireball forward. Large fireball splits into small fireballs causing extra explosion. Explosion damage inflicts Burn effect and creates Stove on the ground. Stove deals constant damage to nearby enemies and inflicts them with Burn effect.

BunnyThe First Descendant Characters

Role: Nuker

Feature: A dealer of continuous damage who sprints while discharging electricity. The more she runs, the greater the electrical energy she accumulates, allowing her to release this energy in a powerful shockwave.

Descendant Attribute: Electric

Passive Skill:
Rabbit Foot – Charges Electricity when moving. Inflicts damage to nearby enemies when landing after a Double Jump.

Active Skills:

  • Thrill Bomb – Summons an Electro Orb to attack nearby enemies and inflict them with Electrocute effect.
  • Light Speeding – Sprint Speed increases significantly and acquires more Electricity.
  • Lightning Emission – Moving around deals damage to nearby enemies and inflicts them with Electrocute effect.
  • Maximum Power – Shoots out electricity forward to inflict damage. Damage increases in proportion to skill duration.


Role: Support

Feature: A supporter who uses supply drones. Commands the battlefield by supplying ammo to allies while launching long-range attacks with drones at the same time.

Descendant Attribute: Non-Attribute

Passive Skill:
Shoot Support – Grants Fire Support to allies within an area around Enzo, increasing their max ammo capacity. The efficiency of this effect increases marginally with the number of Enzos in the squad. Efficiency increases when Enzo disarms the security of the Encrypted Vault, and rewards increase when this happens.

Active Skills:

  • Start Supply – Summons a Bullet Supplying Device at the designated location. Supplies bullets to allies that approach the Device. The Bullet Supplying Device can be used once by each ally, and disappears when everyone has used it or its duration ends.
  • Explosive Drone – Launches an Explosive Drone forward. The Explosive Drone explodes on contact with an enemy or a terrain object, dealing damage.
  • Enhance Combat Suit – Summons a Shield Recovery Comms. When the Shield Recovery Comms is first summoned, recovers Enzo's Energy Shield by a certain amount, then continues to recover the Energy Shield through Enhance Combat Suit effect.
  • Perfect Support – Summons a Small Supply Ship to himself and his allies. The Small Supply Ship periodically provides Supply Bullets and grants Perfect Support to allies. The Small Supply Ship attacks enemies in front while it is active, and when the skill ends, it fires a missile forward that causes a big explosion at its destination.

EsiemoThe First Descendant Characters

Role: Burst DPS

Feature: A Burst DPS who handles explosives. Attaches bombs to enemies and detonates them at the right opportunity.

Descendant Attribute: Fire

Passive Skill:
Adventitious Habit – Drops a bomb on the ground when the shield is completely depleted.

Active Skills:

  • Time Bomb – Launches a Sticky Bomb forward. The Sticky Bomb attaches to an enemy or terrain feature on contact.
  • Blast – Instantly detonates attached bombs. Bomb damage increases with the number of attached bombs.
  • Guided Landmine – Places a Guided Landmine at current location. Once placed, the Guided Landmine will fly to an enemy within its detection range and attach to it.
  • Arche Explosion – Starts moving forward fast. On collision with an enemy while charging, inflicts Knockback. When the movement ends, deals damage to nearby enemies and removes buffs from them. After the skill ends, Esiemo enters Madness state.


Role: DoT Dealer

Feature: A continuous damage dealer who freely manipulates Venom. Utilizes the venomous substances produced by her body to trap enemies in swamps of toxins.

Descendant Attribute: Toxic

Passive Skill:
Contagion Links – Increases Toxic Skill Power by the number of nearby enemies inflicted with Poison from Freyna's skill.

Active Skills:

  • Toxic Trauma – Throws poison to attack target enemy with damage and inflict Room 0 Trauma onto nearby enemies.
  • Defense Mechanism – Significantly increases DEF. There is chance of inflicting Room 0 Trauma to enemies upon attack.
  • Decomposed Poison – Throws toxins to form a Toxic Swamp. Enemies entering the Toxic Swamp receive continuous damage, and become inflicted with Poison and Venom-Soaked. Enemies inflicted with Venom-Soaked leave Toxic Footprints as they move, and enemies that touch Toxic Footprints also become inflicted with Poison.
  • Venomous Baptism – Changes current Firearm to Venom Baptism. Enemies hit with Venom Baptism bullets are inflicted with Room 0 Trauma.

GleyThe First Descendant Characters

Role: Utility Dealer

Feature: A dealer who becomes stronger the more she gnaws on herself. Unleashes the rage inside her to quickly subdue her enemies.

Descendant Attribute: Non-Attribute

Passive Skill:
Thirst – Creates Life Spheres upon killing enemies. Recovers HP and stores Power of Life when absorbing Life Spheres.

Active Skills:

  • Frenzied – Consumes HP to enter Berserk mode. In Berserk mode, long distance weapon’s ATK and Penetration increase.
  • Life Siphon – Deals damage to nearby enemies and restores HP. In Berserk mode, damage increases; in Normal mode, damage inflicted by enemies decreases for a certain period of time.
  • Increased Sensory – Her Increased Sensory adds an infinite ammo effect for a certain amount of time during Frenzy, and when in a Non-Frenzied state, increases Movement Speed and HP Recovery during which Life Sphere generation is increased.
  • Massacre – Changes current Firearm to Massacre. Adds additional skill damage during Frenzied state, and inflicts Stun effect on hit enemies.


Role: Utility Dealer

Feature: A utility-type DPS who uses turrets. Summons turrets for assault and recovery respectively. When the turrets are enhanced by multi-purpose guns, he can fight more efficiently.

Descendant Attribute: Non-Attribute

Passive Skill:
Turret Sync – ATK increases when assault turret and medical turret are both summoned.

Active Skills:

  • Assault Turret – Summons an assault turret to attack the enemy. If enhanced, it launches attacks into nearby area.
  • Medical Turret – Summons a medical turret to heal allies and distract enemies. If enhanced, it restores Mana.
  • Multi-Purpose Gun – Changes gun to a Multi-Purpose Gun. If hit by a Multi-Purpose Gun, turret enters an enhanced state.
  • Reactivate – Recalls all summoned turrets and inflicts powerful damage to nearby enemies. After using Total Recall, you enter Overhaul state, where turrets are summoned in their enhanced states.

KyleThe First Descendant Characters

Role: Bruiser

Feature: A damage-dealing tank that generates and manipulates magnetic fields. Creates a Barrier or radiates Magnetic Force to push enemies back and serves as a strong shield for his teammates.

Descendant Attribute: Non-Attribute

Passive Skill:
Experienced Technician – Kyle acquires Magnetic Force through skills. When his shield is completely depleted, he recovers shield and Magnetic Force over a certain period of time.

Active Skills:

  • Repulsion Dash – Dashes towards enemies, dealing damage and recovering Magnetic Force.
  • Magnetic Bulwark – Creates a frontal Barrier to protect against enemy attacks. Recovers Magnetic Force depending on the type of projectile blocked.
  • Magnetism Spurt – When damaged, Magnetic Force is reduced instead of HP or Shields. After a certain period of time, Magnetic Force detonates to deal damage around him.
  • Superconductivity Thrusters – Allows him to fly. When landing, deals damage in an area around his landing zone, consuming all accumulated Magnetic Force. The damage dealt is proportional to the amount of Magnetic Force consumed.


Role: DPS

Feature: A dealer who uses grenades to attack. Clears the battlefield with his Tactical Prosthetic Arm and grenades which boast a powerful performance.

Descendant Attribute: Fire

Passive Skill:
Close Call – There is a chance of surviving fatal damage during battle.

Active Skills:

  • Grenade – Throws a grenade forward at the enemy. (Extra Burns when Overclock is active.)
  • Overclock – Increases all Skill ATK and adds a Burn effect to Grenade and Overkill for a set duration.
  • Traction Grenade – Throws a Traction Grenade forward to pull the enemies within range.
  • Overkill – Fires a powerful shell at the enemy. The shell is maintained at the landing point for a set period of time, inflicting constant damage. (Extra Burns when Overclock is active.)

SharenThe First Descendant Characters

Role: Close-Range Dealer

Feature: An assassin-type melee dealer with Electric Arche. Using camouflage, she can close the distance to her enemies whenever she desires, and ambush enemies anytime, anywhere.

Descendant Attribute: Electric

Passive Skill:
Assassinator – Damage increases when attacking enemy that is not attacking Sharen. Killing enemies with a skill in Ambush state resets cooldown for Active Camouflage.

Active Skills:

  • Cutoff Beam – Attacks enemy with electric blade to deal damage and inflict them with Electrocute effect.
  • Active Camourflage – Hides from enemies. When attacking or using skills, Active Camouflage state ends immediately, regardless of time remaining. When Active Camouflage state ends, Sharen enters Ambush mode, increasing damage of the next attack.
  • Impact Rounds – Launches built-in explosives forward from the arm to stun enemies.
  • Flash Shortsword – Targets enemies within aiming range, and throws multiple knives to attack them. Knives explode to inflict enemies with damage and Electrocute effect.


Role: Constant DPS

Feature: A dealer of continuous damage who moves around freely through her Water Arche. A terrifying torrent to her enemies, she's always a refreshing ocean wave to her teammates.

Descendant Attribute: Non-Attribute

Passive Skill:
Water Intake – When using skills while standing on water, she consumes less Mana.

Active Skills:

  • Bubble Bullet – Bounces a Bubble Bullet forward to create a small puddle where the Bubble Bullet impacts and where she stands. Enemies in the small puddle take continuous damage and are inflicted with Laundry.
  • Plop Plop – Creates a large puddle where she is standing, then dives in. Vallby then pops out at a selected location in the large puddle. Enemies in the large puddle take continuous damage and are inflicted with Laundry.
  • Laundry – Vallby becomes Liquefied. While Liquefied, she cannot take her feet off of the ground or use skills, but she can move through enemies, and her Movement Speed and DEF increase. When moving while Liquefied, she creates a path of water that deals continuous damage to enemies and inflicts Laundry.
  • Laundry Bomb – Changes the equipped weapon to the Laundry Bomb Launcher. When the Launcher is fired, a Laundry Bomb is created, pulling in enemies inflicted with Laundry and dealing continuous damage.

ViessaThe First Descendant Characters

Role: Debuffer

Feature: A debuffer who uses Chill at will. She uses Chill to freeze enemies in place, unleashing Cold Snap-like attacks as she weaves her way between them.

Descendant Attribute: Chill

Passive Skill:
Ice Sphere – Creates an Ice Sphere floating around her body when inflicting enemies with the Ice Shackle effect, proportional to the effect stage. The Ice Sphere will automatically fly towards nearby enemies and deal damage to the target and its surroundings.

Active Skills:

  • Frost Shards – Fires an exploding Ice Beam, inflicting damage and Ice Shackle around the area it hits. (Ice Shackle effect: Increases by 1 stage when hit / Increases by 2 stages if hit by the exploding area)
  • Frost Road – Increases Running Speed and Shield, and creates Ice Sheets on the ground where Viessa stands. When enemies come into contact with these Ice Sheets, they are inflicted with Ice Shackle. (Ice Shackle effect: Increases by 2 stages)
  • Cold Snap – Releases an arc of cold air in front, inflicting damage and Ice Shackle. (Ice Shackle effect: Increases by 2 stages)
  • Blizzard – Creates a snowstorm that explodes over time, inflicting damage and Ice Shackle on enemies caught within. (Ice Shackle effect: Increases by 3 stages when hit / Increases by 4 stages if hit by the exploding area)


Role: Support

Feature: A healer supporter who uses his select drones to heal allies. He heals allies and grants them beneficial buffs after determining the distance between the allies and him.

Descendant Attribute: Non-Attribute

Passive Skill:
Stop Overreacting – Significantly reduces the time to rescue allies. Targets rescued by Yujin increases to Max HP for a certain period of time.

Active Skills:

  • Solidarity Healing – Summons a Recovery Drone that attaches to allies to heal them. Recovers target and increases their ATK through an Accelerant effect upon dismissal.
  • Restructure Serum – Fires a Restructure Serum forward, decreasing DEF and inflicting Allergy. When attacking enemies with Allergy, heals nearby allies and grants additional healing to allies who kill the enemy.
  • Stimulant Spray – Grants Stimulation to allies. While Stimulation is active, incoming DMG is reduced and recovery is received when Stimulation ends.
  • Hyperreactive Healing Ground – Heals self and allies, granting Purification and Immunity to remove and prevent debuffs. Additional recovery is based on the number of allies and enemies within range. Yujin is granted Hyper Activity effect, increasing his ATK and skill power.

That's it for this guide on all The First Descendant characters and their abilities.

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