Last week's installment ended with Din Djarin and Grogu learning the next step of their journey from Bo-Katan Kryze. But before that, they need to revive IG-11 first, among other things. We take a look at The Mandalorian season 3 episode 2 ending explained to truly learn what went down in this Star Wars series on Disney Plus.

The Mandalorian season 3 episode 2 ending explained

The Mandalorian, Star Wars, Entertainment

This week's The Mandalorian season 3 episode 2 recap starts in Tatooine as Peli Motto haggles with a client about the repair of his speeder. She then signals a group of jawas to take out the parts they stole to fix the rodian's vehicle. As she's doing so, Din Djarin and Grogu arrive to seek help in reviving IG-11. Instead of fixing the IG unit, the mechanic offers R5-D4 to help him in his mission to Mandalore.

With the astromech droid joining the pair, Din and Grogu proceed closer to Mandalore's orbit. After entering the planet's atmosphere, the bounty hunter discovers that they have no way of communicating with anyone else due to the magnetic distortion emanating from Mandalore's surface. Upon landing, he orders R5-D4 to scout ahead and check if it's safe to proceed. After a few seconds, they lose the droid's signal, prompting Din to go out and check on it.

Within a few meters from his starship is a cave Din enters. He sees a ruined city within as a couple of ape-like creatures attack him. After taking them out, Din finds R5-D4 and they both return to Grogu's location. At this point, they discover that Mandalore's atmosphere isn't toxic at all, leading him to take Grogu to explore the mines underneath the surface.

Din says to Grogu that the mines are underneath the civic center. As they go deeper, Din gets trapped by a mechanized crab-like droid and is taken back to its lair. Grogu follows discreetly and sees a robotic alien emerge from the droid to inspect the being it caught. As it does, Din's blaster and the Darksaber are thrown away from him.

With the alien captor gone, Grogu uses the Force to set Din free but fails. Din orders him to escape to Bo-Katan and ask for her help. Using his egg-shaped speeder, Grogu goes back to the surface, enters Din's ship, and flies away to Kalevala. Upon reaching the said planet, Grogu manages to get Bo-Katan's help in finding Din on Mandalore again.

Along with R5-D4 and Grogu, Bo-Katan returns to Mandalore. She, along with the youngling, enters the cavern while the droid stays on the ship. Grogu leads her back to Din's location but the ape-like creatures return to attack the pair. As Bo-Katan incapacitated them both, Din's captor starts to take his blood away. Fortunately, Bo-Katan arrives to save him. With the help of the Darksaber, the Mandalorian leader defeats the alien, only to find him unconscious.

Just as she was saving her comrade, the captor activates the crab-like droid but Bo-Katan defeats it swiftly. When Din gains consciousness again, he finds Bo-Katan preparing a meal for him and Grogu. After a short conversation, Din tells Bo-Katan that he plans to resume his journey to the Living Waters to gain his redemption. Bo-Katan tags along to help him find the said location.

As the three journey deeper, Din learns a great deal about the past of Mandalore and Bo-Katan's time as its ruler. They eventually reach the Living Waters, causing Din to enter it while swearing the Creed in his armor. But before he can finish, something unknown takes Din deeper into the Living Waters as Bo-Katan follows him. Again, she finds Din unconscious underwater and a mythosaur waiting for them. Before any more harm can befall them, Bo-Katan succeeds in rescuing Din as the episode ends.

What just happened? The Mandalorian season 3 episode 2 recap

The latest episode of The Mandalorian season 3 deals mostly with Din and Grogu's journey to explore Mandalore and locate the Living Waters. After securing a droid from Peli Motto in Tatooine, they proceed to Mandalore and discover that the planet's atmosphere and surface are safe for exploration.

Upon reaching the city beneath, Din is taken captive by an unknown alien lifeform. Before losing consciousness, he orders Grogu to get Bo-Katan to help him out of his current predicament. With the former Mandalorian leader at his side, Grogu manages to save his father. After a little rest, Bo-Katan decides to accompany the two toward the Living Waters to help Din gain redemption. But before he can even finish the Creed, something takes him deeper into the water. Fortunately, Bo-Katan succeeds in saving Din just as she saw a glimpse of a mythosaur residing underwater.

While the ending might have been abrupt, causing some to be confused about what happened, there's a good chance things will be clarified next week. Star Wars fans must stay tuned on Disney Plus to find out what happens in The Mandalorian.