Rahul Kohli, a fan favorite for the role of Reed Richards, confirmed that he auditioned for the coveted part in Marvel's upcoming Fantastic Four movie, per Screenrant. In a recent interview with Salaam Nerds, Kohli candidly discussed his audition experience and his thoughts on the outcome. Fans had long imagined him as the perfect Mister Fantastic, but the role ultimately went to Pedro Pascal.

Rahul Kohli Reveals His Experience

“Yeah, I don't know if I'm allowed to talk about it but… I didn't get it is the important thing. But, on good days I see the Constantine,” Kohli admitted. “It will flare up once and again. And, I love all of them. On good days, you're like, ‘Man, I'm wanted!' People really want to see. You're the guy that people will shout out for anything. On bad days, ‘It's a reminder that you're not the guy. You're not there. These are the roles you'll never get.' So, it's sweet and it's perspective. It's how you feel about yourself.”

Kohli's reflections offer a glimpse into the emotional rollercoaster actors often face, balancing the highs of being considered for iconic roles with the lows of missing out. Despite not landing the role of Reed Richards, Kohli's openness and positive outlook have endeared him further to his fans.

Exciting Developments in the Fantastic Four Casting

The casting news surrounding Marvel's Fantastic Four has generated significant buzz. In recent weeks, familiar names like John Malkovich, Natasha Lyonne, Paul Walter Hauser, and Ralph Ineson have joined the project. While specific details about their roles remain under wraps, fans eagerly anticipate big reveals at upcoming events like San Diego Comic-Con and D23.

Paul Walter Hauser, in particular, has addressed his involvement in the film with cautious excitement. When asked about his role, Hauser navigated the question delicately. “I know what that question is leading to, which is the answer as to which character I'm to play. So all I can say is that I, in some iteration, am in the movie The Fantastic Four until I get fired or recast,” Hauser explained. “So I can't say anything about the character I'm playing, but know that it is in the sort of lexicon and mythology of The Fantastic Four stories. And it's a very distinct character that I'm excited to play and I'm kind of mapping out what I'm doing with that right now.”

Hauser also shared his enthusiasm for joining a cinematic universe, having previously campaigned for the role of the Penguin in Matt Reeves' Batman film. Although Colin Farrell ultimately portrayed the character, Hauser expressed gratitude for the opportunity and excitement for his part in the Fantastic Four. “I've always wanted to be a part of a cinematic universe… I really appreciate Marvel giving me the time of day and entrusting a role to me in some capacity that I get to be a part of that family. I'm really excited to partake in.”

MCU Next Steps

As Marvel's Fantastic Four continues to take shape, fans' anticipation grows. The film marks the team's introduction into the MCU, promising to bring fresh dynamics and excitement to the beloved franchise. While the wait continues for more details, the confirmed cast and the passion of those involved suggest that this iteration of the Fantastic Four will be something special.

The journey to bring Marvel's first family to the big screen in the MCU is undoubtedly a monumental task. With talents like Pedro Pascal and the rest of the newly announced cast, the film aims to set a new standard for superhero teams. As the release date approaches, fans can look forward to more revelations and surprises, hoping that Marvel's Fantastic Four lives up to the immense hype surrounding it.