Whenever you sign up for any sort of dangerous activity, whether it be skydiving or rock climbing, you usually sign a waiver. So it shouldn’t be surprising that riding OceanGate’s Titan — a submersible that toured Titanic wreckage — also made you sign a waiver. However, according to writer Mike Reiss, this particular waiver is littered with warnings about potential outcomes.

In an interview with BBC Breakfast, Reiss detailed the waiver that he signed before riding the OceanGate Titan himself.

“People should know… to even get on the boat that takes you to the Titanic, you sign a massive waiver that lists one way after another that you could die on the trip. They mention ‘death’ three times on page one.”

He continued, “And so it’s never far from your mind — you try to put it out — but as I was getting onto the sub, I mean, that was like a ‘well, this could be the end [type of moment].” So, you know, nobody who’s in this situation was caught off-guard — it’s very bad [that] things broke this way, but you all know what you’re getting into.”

In conclusion, this trek may not be for the faint of heart. “It’s really exploration. It’s not a vacation. And it’s not thrill-seeking. It’s not like skydiving or something. These are explorers and travelers who want to see something,” Mike Reiss said.

On Sunday, June 18, the Titan went missing after departing earlier in the day. Five people are missing, with three being identified. The trip cost $250k for each passenger and was supposed to explore the Titanic wreckage at the bottom of the ocean. It was also recently revealed that the submersible was controlled by a video game controller.