The Ultra Beasts are back! Guzzlord, Nihilego, Celesteela, Kartana, Stakataka, Blacephalon, Buzzwole, Pheromosa, and Xurkitree return to Pokemon GO in light of the Inbound from Ultra Space event ahead of the Global GO Fest celebrations.

From event details to the things that you can grind for, here is everything every Pokemon GO player must know about the Inbound from Ultra Space event.

Inbound from Ultra Space Start and End Times

The Inbound from Ultra Space event is set to run from July 8, 2024, Monday, from 10 AM local time to July 13, 2024, Saturday, at 10 AM local time.

For this event, Guzzlord, Nihilego, Celesteela, Kartana, Stakataka, Blacephalon, Buzzwole, Pheromosa, and Xurkitree are making a return to Pokemon GO for another batch of raids. The aforementioned Ultra Beasts will be on a rotating schedule for raids in Pokemon GO.

Thus, if you have missed out on their previous appearances in Pokemon GO, the Inbound from Ultra Space event is the perfect time to hunt for Ultra Beasts!

Inbound from Ultra Space Event Bonuses

As with all events in Pokemon GO, the Inbound from Ultra Space event also has its own bonuses.

For the Inbound from Ultra Space event, the Remote Raid Pass limit will be upped to 20 max per day from Monday, July 8, to Thursday, July 11, 2024.

Additionally, the Remote Raid Pass limit will be lifted for remote raiding from Friday, July 12, to Sunday, July 14, 2024.

Lastly, trainers who are at least Level 31 and up are guaranteed to receive XL Candies for trading Pokemon. This bonus will be active from Monday, July 8, at 10 AM to Sunday, July 14, 2024, at 11:59 PM local time.

Inbound from Ultra Space Global Challenge

Players around the world will also work together to complete a Global Challenge during the Inbound from Ultra Space event in Pokemon GO.

If the challenge is completed in time, all players will be able to use Beast Balls when encountering Ultra Beasts during the Pokemon GO Fest 2024: Global!

Plus, once the challenge is completed, Party Power will charge faster when attempting a raid with your party in Party Play until July 13, 2024, at 10 AM local time.

Raid Schedule for Inbound from Ultra Space

As mentioned earlier, the featured Ultra Beasts will have a rotating schedule for the Inbound from Ultra Space event in Pokemon GO. The schedule is as follows:

  • Five-Star Raids: Monday, July 8
  • Five-Star Raids: Tuesday, July 9
  • Five-Star Raids: Wednesday, July 10
    Celesteela (Southern Hemisphere)
    Kartana (Northern Hemisphere)
  • Five-Star Raids: Thursday, July 11
    Stakataka (Eastern Hemisphere)
    Blacephalon (Western Hemisphere)
  • Five-Star Raids: Friday, July 12
    Buzzwole (The Americas and Greenland)
    Pheromosa (Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and India)
    Xurkitree (Asia-Pacific)

These Ultra Beasts will be appearing in five-star raids each day for the Inbound from Ultra Space event in Pokemon GO. Furthermore, they will also be featured in Raid Hours from 6 PM to 7 PM local time on the day that they are scheduled.

Which Pokemon To Mega Evolve During the Inbound from Ultra Space Event

With multiple Ultra Beasts featured in this event, it is wise to mega evolve Pokemon accordingly. As such, here are our suggestions:

  • For Guzzlord, a mega evolved Houndoom (for its Dark typing) or Salamence (for its Dragon typing).
  • For Nihilego, a mega evolved Venusaur or Beedrill works for its Poison typing.
  • For both Celesteela, a mega evolved Rayquaza (for its Flying typing) or a Mega Scizor (for its Steel typing) would work best.
  • For Kartana, a mega evolved Sceptile (for its Grass typing) or a Mega Steelix (for its Steel typing).
  • For Stakataka, consider mega evolving a Mega Aerodactyl (for its Rock typing) or a Nega Aggron (for its Steel typing).
  • For Blacephalon, choose either a Primal Groudon or Mega Charizard X or Y (for its Fire typing). Other options include Mega Sableye or Mega Gengar (for its Ghost typing).
  • For both Buzzwole and Pheromosa, a Mega Heracross is the most optimal choice but you can also opt for a Mega Pinsir or Mega Beedrill, all for their Bug typings.
  • For Xurkitree, choose Primal Kyogre or a Mega Ampharos for their Electric typing.

Basically, go for the same typing of the Ultra Beast that you want to hunt for that sweet extra catch candy bonus.

Inbound from Ultra Space Timed Research

For this event, a timed research will be available for the Inbound from Ultra Space event in Pokemon GO.

Completing tasks from the Inbound from Ultra Space-themed Timed Research will grant players with more encounters of the following Ultra Beasts:

  • Nihilego
  • Buzzwole
  • Pheromosa
  • Xurkitree
  • Celesteela
  • Kartana
  • Guzzlord
  • Stakataka
  • Blacephalon

Do note that the Ultra Beasts caught from the Inbound from Ultra Space-themed Timed Research will have no special backgrounds.

Pokemon GO Inbound from Ultra Space Paid Features

As with all events in Pokemon GO, expect the Inbound from Ultra Space to have a plethora of paid features. As such, here are the following features you can pay for extra perks during the Inbound from Ultra Space event in Pokemon GO.

Inbound from Ultra Space Ticket

A ticketed version of the Inbound from Ultra Space event will be available for purchase from Monday, July 8, at 10 AM to Sunday, July 14, 2024, at 6 PM local time.

For $5.00 (or the equivalent pricing tier in other countries' local currencies), players will be able to access Inbound from Ultra Space-exclusive Timed Research and other raid-themed bonuses.

For the bonuses, player will benefit from the following:

  • Additional 5,000 XP from completed raids
  • 2× Stardust for winning Ultra Beast Raid Battles
  • 1 additional Candy is awarded for catching Pokemon in five-star raids
  • 1 additional Candy XL awarded for catching Pokemon in five-star raids
  • Up to 2 free Raid Passes from spinning Photo Discs at Gyms

There will also be timed research that will reward players of the following:

  • 10 Cosmog Candy
  • 5 Nihilego Candy XL
  • 5 Buzzwole Candy XL
  • 5 Pheromosa Candy XL
  • 5 Xurkitree Candy XL
  • 5 Celesteela Candy XL
  • 5 Kartana Candy XL
  • 5 Guzzlord Candy XL
  • 5 Stakataka Candy XL
  • 5 Blacephalon Candy XL
  • 2024 Stardust
  • 1 Star Piece

For those who buy this ticket, they can also take advantage of the bonuses stemming from the Inbound from Ultra Space ticket during Pokémon GO Fest 2024: Global on July 13 and 14.

Additionally, players that have both this ticket and the Pokemon GO Fest 2024: Global ticket will be able to obtain up to 10 free Raid Passes from spinning Photo Discs at Gyms each day during Pokemon GO Fest 2024: Global on Saturday, July 13, and Sunday, July 14, 2024.

Inbound from Ultra Space Special Offers on the Pokemon GO Web Store

The Pokemon GO Web Store will also have special offers during the Inbound from Ultra Space event in Pokemon GO.

  • For $4.99 (or the equivalent pricing tier in other countries' local currencies), the Ultra Storage Box will feature one Item Bag upgrade, one Pokémon Storage upgrade, one Remote Raid Pass, one Premium Battle Pass, one Incubator, and one Super Incubator.
  • For $19.99 (or the equivalent pricing tier in other countries' local currencies), the Ultra Raid Box will feature 40 Premium Battle Passes and three Remote Raid Passes.
  • For $39.99 (or the equivalent pricing tier in other countries' local currencies), the Ultra Hatch Box will feature two Lucky Eggs, 25 Incubators, and 30 Super Incubators.

Medals to Grind During Inbound from Ultra Space Event

Last on this Inbound from Ultra Space event guide are the medals that you can grind during this event.

Considering players need to grind for Platinum medals in Pokemon GO, here are some of the medals players can complete during the Tynamo Community Day event this July 2024:

Pokedex Medals

If you have yet to register any of the featured Ultra Beasts in your Pokedex, catching them will add progress toward the completion of the Platinum Alola Medal.

Securing a Platinum Alola Medal requires players to register a total of 86 Unova Region Pokemon in their Pokedex.

Pokemon Type Medals

Platinum Pokemon Type Medals are a a bit easier to obtain, albeit a tedious effort to be honest. To get a Platinum medal of any type, you basically need to catch 2,500 Pokemon bearing that specific type.

For example, catching Xurkitree during this Inbound from Ultra Space event will add progress toward the completion of the Platinum Rocker Medal.

Miscellaneous Medals

There are other medals you can get by simply reaching certain milestones in Pokemon GO. Here are the rest of the medals you can grind for during this event:

  • Collector Medal – Catch 50,000 Pokemon
  • Scientist Medal – Evolve 2,000 Pokemon
  • Sightseer Medal – Spin 2,000 unique PokeStops
  • Pokemon Ranger Medal – Complete 2,500 Field Research tasks
  • Idol Medal – Become Best Friends with 20 Trainers
  • Rising Star Medal – Defeat 150 different species of Pokemon in raids
  • Champion Medal – Win 1,000 Raids
  • Rising Star Duo Medal – Win 1,000 Raids
  • Jumbo Pokemon Collector Medal – Catch 500 XXL Pokemon
  • Tiny Pokemon Collector Medal – Catch 500 XXS Pokemon
  • Backpacker Medal – Visit 50,000 PokeStops
  • Jogger Medal – Walk 10,000 kilometers
  • Triathlete Medal – Achieve a Pokemon catch streak or PokeStop spin streak of seven days 100 times
  • Mega Evolution Guru Medal – Mega evolve 36 different Species of Pokemon
  • Successor – Mega evolve a Pokemon 500 times
  • Showcase Star Medal – Win 100 PokeStop Showcases

Have An Ultra Fun Day During Inbound from Ultra Space

With that, this concludes everything every Pokemon GO player must know about the Inbound from Ultra Space event.

As always, we hope you will have a fun time at this event, and good luck with catching those Ultra Beasts. Remember to stay safe, and keep yourself hydrated! Until the next Pokemon GO Adventure!

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