Sports can be weird. Ohio safety Javon Hagan apparently being an expert towel thief is one of the most recent examples of all of this being so.

Wait … what?

That’s right. Javon Hagan is a fan of stealing towels. Not hotel towels. Not team towels. But the towels being draped around opposing players’ bodies.

It isn’t great that he’s telling on myself. You don’t see the Fast and Furious crew doing some crazy heist, then providing video to authorities, do you? I mean, to be fair, Vin Diesel does drive on top of submarines sometimes. They can do whatever they want.

Javon Hagan is clearly only messing around. Some harmless fun at the expense of towels by the Ohio talent, is all.

You may have noticed in the headline, we called this thievery of towels habitual. That is because, according to the player himself, it is.

Can I be honest about something? When I first read this tweet, my immediate thought was about whether or not selling a game-used towel would/could result in an NCAA violation. The governing body of college sports has some weird and lame rules. Players can’t profit off almost anything, and I bet that cagey NCAA would have done someting about Hagan’s plan had it actually worked.

The following clip of the Ohio player going all The Hamburgler on us is probably my favorite. It is from last season when the safety’s team was playing Troy.

What a wonderful world we live in that it took a nation over a year to figure out some kid was stealing towels. Furthermore, the only reason he has been “apprehended” is because he told on himself via the mean streets of Twitter.

Guess we all know have to watch Ohio games, if only to see Hagan attempt these shenanigans some more.