It looks like CD Projekt Red will turn to the community's modders in improving The Witcher 3 for its next-gen upgrade.

Witcher 3 modders approached by CDPR for next-gen upgrade

Upgrading the 2015 title The Witcher 3 to make it ready for the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S seems to be a challenge. Or, CDPR just has the humility to know when to ask for help from more skilled people. Whichever is the case, CDPR confirmed to Kotaku that they indeed reached out to modders to give The Witcher 3 a facelift. “In addition to our own development efforts on the upcoming next-gen version of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt for Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5 and PC,” says CDPR, “we are also in talks with creators of various mods for the 2015 release of the game.”

This comes after esteemed community modder Halk Hogan explained his recent lack of updates. He created the “Witcher 3 HD Reworked” texture upscaling mod, which is basically one of the things the next-gen upgrade is trying to achieve. “I think the most important news is that I got an official message from CDPR about cooperation,” says Hogan. “While it’s not certain yet, it’s very likely that HDRP will be included in the official next generation update.”

Indeed, CDPR also confirmed that they still don't have any binding agreement with the modders.

We know that CDPR recognizes and even encourages fans in their modding activities. They've identified before the best and most essential mods they thought people should try out for The Witcher 3. Meanwhile, their most recent game, Cyberpunk 2077 really needed a lot of mod support. Modders fixed many of the game's bugs and shortcomings way before CDPR addressed these through updates.