Lita has been a member of the WWE Universe since all the way back in 2000, when she debuted on SmackDown in March following a short-yet-sweet tenure in ECW in 1999. Since her debut, she's wrestled 328 matches for The Fed, won four singles championships, and became a member of the WWE Hall of Fame, where she was inducted into the class by noted friend Trish Stratus in 2014.

And yet, when WWE ran “The Showcase of the Immortals” at SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles on the first and second day of April, who took to the ring for a WrestleMania 39 match against Damage CTRL, but Lita, the then WWE Women's Tag Team Champion, who was taking part in a trios match with Stratus and Becky Lynch. Surprising? Sure, though Lita did wrestle Lynch for the RAW Women's Championship at the Elimination Chamber at the Jeddah Super Dome in Saudi Arabia in 2022, she hadn't worked a match in roughly a year before she won the tag titles off of Damage CTRL, who clearly wanted revenge for losing their straps. Still, at 48, the former member of Team Extreme could still hold her own in the ring and really enjoyed working with the next generation of women's talent, as she detailed to Dean “Mojo” Muhtadi in an interview with TMZ.

“It’s poetry, right? To have come up and try to push the envelope of what a woman’s role in this industry looks like, and then to see the fruits of that labor, and the blood, sweat, and tears, this is like playtime,” Lita said via Fightful. “I’m like, you did the work, and then you guys took it to the next level, and then to be invited back in to come play with these phenomenal athletes, with just as much passion, pushing things forward to heights that I did not know were possible, where my favorite thing is that we’re running out of boxes to check. That’s the goal, right. You gotta start creating boxes to check off.”

Turning her attention to her most recent in-ring foes, Lita gave some props to the members of Damage CTRL, who she believes are some of the best talents of this generation.

“I really love the dynamic of the generations and being able to come in to mix,” Lita noted.” Normally we’re sitting on the sidelines, and to be able to get in there and mix it up with these amazingly talented women is really a true joy, and it’s a bonus present that I didn’t know I was gonna get when I was pushing so hard and being told ‘no’ and coming back. ‘How about today? Can I get thrown through a table today? Can we have a cage match today?’ Over and over again, and finally making some progress, and to get in there…. IYO, Dakota, and Bayley are so talented. I feel like Bayley gets the shine because she’s our home-grown talent come up through NXT, but IYO and Dakota are so talented, and to be in the ring with them, it really makes you want to up your game, and I want to do those women proud, that have taken the heights so high. I want to be able to be on their level.”

While the future of Damage CTRL remains to be seen, as the team has been on a pretty brutal losing streak over the past few weeks, it's encouraging to hear that one of WWE's all-time legendary female performers give the trio props, as if anyone knows whether or not a girl can go, it's the “Queen of the Extreme.” Whether Lita picks up where she left off to feud with Stratus or stands ringside as Lynch fights their battle solo, it's clear she's loving her current place within the WWE Universe.

Lita thoroughly enjoyed her time at WrestleMania 39.

Speaking of WrestleMania 39, Lita told TMZ about her experience at “The Showcase of the Immortals” in 2023, too, declaring the show and her match, in particular, one of the highlights of her career.

“I had no aspirations, no idea that I would be at WrestleMania 39, so just walking down the stage and everything, it was really surreal, and to do it with two people that I’m so close to, or were close to, it was really fun,” Lita said. “I remember saying to them before we went out, ‘Hey, it’s a really long ramp, and I know we’re mad at Damage CTRL, and we got business to take care of, but for the first half, can we just have fun and take it in, and then we can serious?’ They were like, ‘Okay.’ I feel like only I did that, though. I’m walking down like, ‘Oh, h*ll yeah, this is rad,’ and they’re like, ‘We’re gonna kick your a**.'”

“I would put it at the top, and here’s why. With age comes perspective, and I just feel like I could really be in the moment and soak it in, and just be really appreciative to be there, and to have done it when I wasn’t looking for it, it was able to give me this really in-the-moment sense of appreciation. In a way, I was a fan in the stadium, but I just happened to be walking down the ramp, so I was able to feel in the moment. Not that many of my other Mania moments weren’t important, but I feel like I kinda got lost in them because I was worried about the next thing or… I was just out of body and able to soak this one in.”

While it's impossible to know how many more “big” matches Lita has left in her career, taking the time to acknowledging the weight of her appearance at WrestleMania before taking care of business against Damage CTRL likely made the moment all the more sweeter for “The Queen of the Extreme.”