Here are 5 features that should be in Palworld Arena (recently teased during the Triple-I Initiative Showcase) for it to be good and fun to play, and not just a new feature that's there for the sake of introducing a new feature.

5 Features To Make Palworld Arena Fun

During the Triple-I Initiative Showcase, we were shown a 15-second teaser by Pocket Pair for Palworld Arena, as well as its release window of Late 2024. The teaser showed two players, each with three pals, facing off in a location that looks like a colosseum. They then start fighting and shooting each other, with the Pals attacking in the background.

While this teaser doesn't give us much information about the game mode, we can at least guess what some of the features will be for this game mode. For example, we know that it will be a PvP game mode, with players able to field multiple Pals at the same time, while also bringing their weapons.

Of course, there is more to this game that we don't know about. That won't stop us though from listing down some features that we want to see in Palworld Arena for it to actually be a good game mode.

Pal And Equipment Restrictions

Nothing excites me more than the idea of facing a player with Pal Metal Armor, an Assault Rifle, and three legendary Pals while I only have Refined Metal Armor, a Single Shot Rifle, and three Petallias (don't ask why). This is a problem that even online Pokemon battles have, where players just field a whole team of legendary Pokemons.

If Pocket Pair wants to make this fun for everyone, they should put players on relatively equal playing fields. For example, they can choose to ban the use of Legendary Pals, forcing players to use their not-so-legendary Pals. They can also restrict the equipment that players can bring, so no Assault Rifles vs Flintlock Rifle fights.

Of course, this is not the only way to make sure the playing field is equal. The next feature we want to see both fixes this problem, while also introducing another fun way to play.

Draft Pick For Pals

This feature fixes the problem of players bringing Legendary Pals to Palworld Arena by just straight up preventing them from bringing any of their own Pals. Players will instead have to pick their team from a pool of Pals generated by the game.

By implementing this feature, players can play assured that their opponent won't just overpower them because they were playing for longer. This gives everyone the chance to do good while adding a sense of excitement to the battlefield.

Of course, players might argue that this makes it all luck-based and that you're destined to lose if your pool of Pals is not that good. However, think of this: can you imagine the look on your opponent's face if you beat their team of Pals using only a Lamball, a Cattiva, and a Chikipi? That would be worth more than a hundred victories.

For the past two features, we've been talking about making it more balanced for both players. Now, let's go for a feature that makes it so overpowered and unbalanced it loops right around to being fun.

Special Pal Team Modifiers

Granted, fighting against a team of three Legendary Palks is not fun at all. However, can you imagine if there is a feature, even if it's a limited one, that lets you field three Legendary Pals against your enemy's three Legendaries? What about a fight where all of the Pals are just Jetragons or Bushis?

Special fights like this remove the monotony of fights in the Arena. After some time, people will likely settle upon a Meta, like which three Pals are the best to bring to win every fight. Once that happens, every fight will be the same old boring fight.

As such, it is important to introduce a different kind of fight or game mode as a feature in Palworld Arena. That way, should people start getting bored with fighting the same old teams, they can jump into a fun little fight. Can you imagine what a fight between six Chikipis will be like?

Of course, the features to make Palworld Arena fun don't just have to be on the battlefield. It can be what happens after you've won (or lost) a fight in the Arena.

Rewards For Participating

“Having fun with friends and strangers” is not a strong incentive for players to take part in PvP fights. Sure, some players are in it solely to fight against others. However, for other players (myself included), we want to get something out of a fight with other players.

This is where rewards come in. At the moment, we don't know if Palworld Arena will be its standalone feature, or if it's something that can be accessed while already playing in an online server (or their save file). If it's the latter, receiving rewards for playing is sure to make more people play Palworld Arena

For example, if the game awards players some rare materials for participating, it's likely that more players will play. Pocket Pair can even make a win streak reward of sorts, where the player gets more rewards the more wins they get. Players who get a few wins can win a lot of rare materials, while those who dominate can win weapons and armor.

Of course, there needs to be some balancing done to ensure that this remains fair. However, having an incentive system of sorts is sure to make players want to play in the arena more often.

Lastly, there are likely going to be some players who prefer to play solo and without interactions with other players. However, they might also want to try the Arena out to try and get rewards. The next feature will help make it fun for them as well.

AI-Controlled Enemies Or A Boss Rush Feature

AI enemies are already present in Palworld, complete with their pathing and combat programming. As such, it would be a good idea for Pocket Pair to include a single-player option in Palworld Arena, allowing players to have fun without having to go online.

It will feel like those Gyms in Pokemon, where players will fight a group of enemies in turn before facing off against the final boss. This will give players who play offline the ability to test their might against other “players”, without having to face off against actual humans.

Of course, if this isn't possible, then having a Boss Rush of sorts can also do well. Beating all of the Tower Bosses in a row is something that players can already do in normal Palworld. However, what if they attach rewards to that? What if you allow players to face off against a Tower Boss using a drafted team of Pals? The possibilities are endless.

That's the five features we want to see in Palworld Arena to make it good and fun to play for everyone. Should more details about Palworld Arena become available, we will be sure to let you know, and we'll see if any of these features make the list. Again, Palworld Arena comes out in Late 2024.

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