The Adele fan who was harassed by security at a recent “Weekends with Adele” show in Las Vegas has opened up about it.

During a recent concert, Juan Pablo was approached by a number of concertgoers and security for standing up during the show. After a while, Adele stood up for him from the stage, interrupting her own song to order the security guards to leave him alone.

TMZ spoke to Pablo, who was sorry about blocking their view by standing, but “I only had one opportunity to see her, and I took it, and I took it as I wanted and I sang every song with her, and I stood up [for] most of the songs with her — the ones that I weren't bothered [during], and yeah, I'm sorry.”

He said “I'm sorry” with a bit of a smirk, and the interviewer pointed this out. “I'm not really sorry,” Pablo said.

However, he did note that he did feel guilty during some songs and could feel that other members of the audience were getting mad. He said they could have stood up too to avoid the situation. “In every other section, there were people standing up, and if someone was standing up in front of me, I can stand up and I'm gonna be on top of them because the Coliseum [at Caesars Palace] is like upwards,” he said.

The TMZ interviewer then asked why Pablo felt it was necessary to film himself standing the whole time at the Adele show. “Because I want that memory for a lifetime for me to see it,” Pablo revealed. “In 10, 20 years, [I want to] show them to my kids. I want that memory with me forever.”

He closed out the interview by thanking Adele for “giving me the best night of my life” and for sticking up for him.

The “Weekends with Adele” residence in Las Vegas has been going on since November 18, 2022, and is set to conclude on November 4, 2023.