United States Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently went on an Among Us Twitch stream with the objective of encouraging gamers to go out and vote. It was a smashing success, and this was thanks in large part to how genuinely hilarious AOC was in trying to navigate something completely alien to her.

Here's a brief clip of a clueless AOC trying to figure things out on the game. Oh, and hats off to Rob Byrne for the hilarious caption.

According to Abram Brown of Forbes, nearly 700,000 people tuned in to AOC's stream to watch the 31-year-old play the highly-popular game Among Us. The representative from New York also invited a number of popular streamers to play with her, as well as fellow Congresswoman Illhan Omar from Minnesota. At one point, close to 500,000 people were tuned in to the stream at the same time.

Although AOC and her friends obviously had such a fun time playing, this stream had an ulterior motive behind it. This was also an opportunity for the Democratic Congresswoman to campaign for her party's candidates for the upcoming national elections:

“We are here to vote blue,” she told the crowd prior to starting gameplay. “We have the ability to vote Trump out of office, to vote for a Biden-Kamala ticket. Let’s make sure we change this country.”

The success of AOC's Twitch stream on Tuesday emphasizes the tremendous reach of the online streaming platform. It would not be surprising if other politicians use this avenue in the near future.