Shohei Ohtani and the Los Angeles Angels are in the midst of a pretty solid season as they are looking to make a postseason run. Despite the success, an Angels insider details how Shohei Ohtani rarely speaks to the media, via Foul Territory TV.

“It's not very often at all, it's definitely going to be interesting if he goes somewhere else next year…as of right now, the Angels pretty much shield him from too many responsibilities media wise…I don't think he feels like it is a problem… I think he wants to be the best baseball player he can be and then be left alone, so in that sense it is perfect the way it is for him.”

This comes from Angels beat writer Jeff Fletcher, who emphasizes that he and the rest of the Angels media just simply don't have much access to Shohei Ohtani. For such a big star it is kind of surprising, although one does have to take into account the language barrier as well.

Overall, Fletcher emphasizes that having his story heard does not seem like much of a priority for Ohtani. This is great for those who believe in Ohtani's greatness and want to see him continue to defy odds on the diamond, however for bigger markets that have much more greedy media, this could end up being a problem if Ohtani opts to leave the Angels.

For now, everyone should just enjoy what Shohei Ohtani can do on the diamond; if he doesn't want to speak to the media, it is totally within his rights as long as he continues to dominate between the foul lines.