New cards, balance updates, the lands system, and more are coming to Axie Infinity version 2.0.
Big changes are coming to Axie Infinity. Through a developer chat live stream, Sky Mavis, represented by Jihoz, Psycheout, and Zyori, previewed Axie Infinity version 2.0, as well as answering some popular questions from fans.
Part of the changes shown in the live stream includes new cards, an improved and re-balanced battle system, and the land system. Among these, the land system will introduce the biggest change in the game. Tokenized plots of land in the game's world – Lunacia – will become ownable by players. Being owners of these lands will allow them to get first dibs on resources that spawn on their territories. However, players will be free to explore these lands, battling chimera in either single-player or co-op gameplay. It's still unclear yet how lands and resources will work, but it seems like these will allow players to upgrade their axies in one way or another.
However, the most noticeable and impactful change in Axie Infinity version 2.0 will be the revamped battle system. While many believe that Sky Mavis will not change the game so much as to alienate old players, the changes may still make or break the game's near future. New cards will be introduced, which will include new features and mechanics in battle, with new keywords. The cards are also redesigned, now looking more like Legends of Runeterra cards than anything else. Finally, Axies will start having six cards instead of the current four. From the previewed cards we've seen so far, it seems like Beasts are going to be nerfed by a large margin.
Finally, Sky Mavis will be introducing free-to-start Axies. These axies will allow players to start out on Axie with no capital. However, these axies will also most likely have some sort of limitations. While we do not know the full details yet, it's possible that these Axies will not contribute to the player's Axie count in determining maximum energy, and may have some limitations as well in their collection of SLP. In any case, more people playing Axie will be a great thing for everyone in the community, and it's something that everyone looking to invest in Axie Infinity should look into once Axie Infinity version 2.0 comes out.