The Denver Broncos are determined to bounce back in 2023. However, before they start thinking of ways how to win, new head coach Sean Payton wants them to figure out one other important thing: “how to not lose.”

In a rather stern message to Russell Wilson and the rest of the Broncos, Payton pointed out one of the biggest problems that often hurt the team last season, which is their in-game penalties. For one, Denver was punished for false start 23 times, which ranks in the bottom three in the NFL.

Overall in terms of penalties, the Broncos have committed 113 penalties, which is the second-worst in the league, per Football Reference. Of course Payton wants to change that.

“Before you start figuring out how to win, you have to know how not to lose. Last year, we ranked—I don’t even want to give it to you—28th and 27th or 29th in pre-snap fouls on both sides of the ball. That’s going to change,” Payton told the Broncos on Tuesday, per Zac Stevens of DNVR Sports

It remains to be seen how Sean Payton plans to address one of the Broncos' biggest issues from the previous campaign. It isn't easy to fix such problems in a single offseason, and making matters worse, that's not the only problem they have to deal with.

However, it definitely makes sense why Payton wants to focus on their on-field problems first before coming up with a winning strategy. At the end of the day, they will only be able to string wins together and play consistently if they don't shot themselves on the foot. For them to focus on their opponents, they will have to make sure they won't be fighting against themselves.