Terrell Davis, the two-time Super Bowl champion and Pro Football Hall of Famer, has spoken out about a distressing incident that took place over the weekend involving a flight attendant on a United Airlines flight. Davis was traveling with his family from Denver to Orange County when the incident occurred, leading to his removal from the flight in handcuffs.

The controversy began when Davis's son asked a flight attendant for a cup of ice during the in-flight drink service. According to Davis, the flight attendant ignored the request, prompting Davis to lean over and gently tap the man's arm to get his attention. The flight attendant reacted dramatically, allegedly shouting “don't hit me” before leaving the area abruptly.

Davis recounted that he had no further interactions with the flight attendant for the rest of the flight. However, upon landing in California, the pilot instructed all passengers to remain seated. At that point, six law enforcement agents, including FBI personnel, boarded the plane and immediately handcuffed Davis.

“I was then removed from the flight while being recorded by multiple passengers as I was paraded off the plane in handcuffs by the officers,” Davis shared in an Instagram post on Monday. He described the experience as humiliating and traumatizing for him and his family, particularly his wife and three children who witnessed the event.

After being detained and questioned, Davis was quickly cleared of any wrongdoing. He stated that the agents profusely apologized and offered support to him and his family. Despite this, Davis has yet to receive any communication or apology from United Airlines regarding the incident.

The NFL legend expressed his frustration and disappointment with United Airlines in his post, emphasizing the potential damage to his reputation caused by the false accusations.

“These lies and the ensuing events have the capacity to tarnish the reputation I have spent decades building,” Davis wrote. He called for accountability, stressing that the flight attendant should not be allowed to make such unfounded accusations against anyone in the future.

In response to the incident, Davis is contemplating legal action against United Airlines, underscoring the significant emotional and reputational harm inflicted upon him and his family. The event has also drawn widespread attention and support from the public and his peers in the sports community.

Former NFL player and fellow Broncos alumnus Nick Ferguson expressed his sympathy and support for Davis on social media.

“So heartbreaking to hear that something like this happened to my fellow #BroncosCountry alumni @Terrell_Davis and his family. Situations like this can’t be tolerated,” Ferguson tweeted.

Media outlets have also picked up the story, with TMZ reporting extensively on the incident. According to TMZ, the FBI confirmed that their agents responded to a report of an incident on the flight and detained an individual for questioning, who was later released. The FBI did not identify Davis by name but noted that the person detained was cooperative with law enforcement.

This incident has raised significant concerns about the protocols and responses of airline staff in handling such situations. Many are questioning the flight attendant's actions and the subsequent handling of the situation by United Airlines and law enforcement.

Davis, 51, is renowned for his illustrious NFL career, during which he played seven seasons from 1995 to 2001, all with the Denver Broncos. His exceptional performance led to his induction into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 2017. The incident, therefore, comes as a shock to many, given Davis's long-standing positive reputation in the sports community.

As the story continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how United Airlines will address the situation and whether they will issue a formal apology to Terrell Davis and his family. The incident has undoubtedly sparked a broader conversation about the treatment of passengers and the responsibilities of airline staff in ensuring a respectful and just environment for all travelers.

For now, Davis is focused on seeking justice and ensuring that such an incident does not happen to anyone else in the future. His call for accountability and transparency resonates with many who have faced similar situations and are advocating for changes in airline policies and practices.

This incident involving Terrell Davis highlights the ongoing issues surrounding airline protocols and the need for fair and respectful treatment of all passengers. It serves as a reminder of the importance of due process and the impact that false accusations can have on individuals and their families. As Davis seeks resolution, his story will undoubtedly inspire others to stand up for their rights and demand accountability in similar situations.

Full statement from Terrell Davis

Terrell Davis Broncos rushing the football against the Packers
Peter Brouillet-USA TODAY Sports

“I demand a thorough and proper investigation into the flight attendant who blatantly lied and placed undue harm on me and my family. These lies and the ensuing events have the capacity to tarnish the reputation I have spent decades building, and this person should not be able to do this again to anyone in the future.

“At this very moment, not even 48 hours later, we as a family are having to have hard conversations with each other about what transpired and answer the many questions that my children have. I refuse to stand by without speaking out on this disgusting display of injustice and deplorable treatment by United Airlines. My legal team at Stinar, Gould, Grieco, & Hensley will be in contact with United Airlines.

:During questioning, it was rightfully determined by the agents that this flight attendant was inaccurate in his accusations and the agents profusely apologized even offering to support me and my family in any way possible. I have yet to hear anything from United Airlines. The traumatizing experience of my two sons, my daughter, and my wife watching me being placed in handcuffs – without due process or any explanation – cannot be undone.

The FBI agents and local authorities proceeded directly to my seat and immediately placed me in handcuffs, while seated and without any explanation, in front of my wife and children while the entire flight of passengers watched in silence. I was then removed from the flight while being recorded by multiple passengers as I was paraded off of the plane in handcuffs by the officers. I was – and remain – humiliated, embarrassed, powerless, and angry.”