UPDATE: Previously, we reported that the Cyberpunk 2077 1.04 hotfix was only available for PC and PS4. CD Projekt Red now also has released the 1.04 patch for the Xbox One version.

CDProjekt Red released a recent hotfix that installs the 1.04 version update to Cyberpunk 2077. This update reduces the risk of having epileptic seizures while playing the game.


CD Projekt Red came under fire earlier this week for not having a seizure warning for the game. Such seizure warnings are usually present in any kind of game, even for ones that virtually have no risk of causing seizures. However, Cyberpunk 2077 does in fact have seizure-inducing parts involving Brain Dance, the game's detective-esque sequences. Game Informer's Lianna Rupert was the first to report on this issue, noting the lack of warnings for the game. The article also discussed how one with a history of epileptic seizures can avoid having a bad experience with the game.

The lack of seizure warnings was immediately resolved by CD Projekt Red, hastily adding one on the game's opening sequence. However, having a seizure warning doesn't eliminate the root cause of the problem.


Thankfully, CD Projekt Red was kind enough to actually resolve the issue. On the most recent hotfix that was released for PC and PlayStation 4 first and then for the Xbox One soon after, the sequence that was causing epileptic episodes for some players was modified enough to lessen the risk of attacks. The development team reached out to Rupert to discuss how the game can be made more accessible to people experiencing epileptic episodes. CD Projekt Red then used Rupert's feedback to assess the effectiveness of their changes.

Apart from the change in how Brain Dances look, CD Projekt Red also fixed some issues in the game. For example, an issue caused disabling copyrighted music to not work for all songs. This issue prompted CD Projekt Red to tell streamers to disable music entirely as a workaround. The hotfix also resolves this, making the game more streamer-friendly now.

Cyberpunk 2077 1.04 hotfix is live now on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.