Last year's DC flick, The Batman, ended with a scene between Robert Pattinson's titular hero and Paul Dano's Riddler. The insane number of takes Matt Reeves made the two do has been revealed.

During an interview with The Guardian, Reeves spoke about Paul Dano as an actor. “Paul loves doing a lot of takes, as do I,” he revealed. “We took two days on the final scene between him and Robert Pattinson as Batman, and we must have easily done 70 or 80 takes. Paul loves exploring. He's obsessive that way.”

He continued, “There were all these moments as the Riddler where he'd be tickled by something and then fly into a rage, and you never knew from take to take where that switch would come. I'd be sitting there with the headphones on, trying to stifle my laughter because he'd always do something surprising. Paul would ask me: ‘Was that crazy? Was that too much?' I'd say: ‘No, it's fantastic. Let's do another.'”

The Batman was Reeves' first DC film. Robert Pattinson took on the cape and cowl as the titular hero. While Ben Affleck was the DCEU's (now DCU) Batman, but Reeves came in and reworked the film to be in its own universe. Zoë Kravitz, Jeffrey Wright, John Turturro, Peter Sarsgaard, Andy Serkis, and Colin Farrell also starred in the film.

Outside of his DC work, Matt Reeves is known for directing films including Cloverfield, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, and its sequel, War for the Planet of the Apes.