Deadlock is VALORANT's newest Sentinel. Check out Deadlock's Abilities, Contract, and some words from the developers here.

Deadlock Abilities

“Norwegian operative Deadlock deploys an array of cutting-edge nanowire to secure the battlefield from even the most lethal assault. No one escapes her vigilant watch, nor survives her unyielding ferocity.”

GravNet (C)

EQUIP a GravNet grenade. FIRE to throw. ALT FIRE to lob the grenade underhand. The GravNet detonates upon landing, forcing any enemies caught within to crouch and move slowly.

Sonic Sensor (Q)

EQUIP a Sonic Sensor. FIRE to deploy. The sensor monitors an area for enemies making sound. It concusses that area if footsteps, weapons fire, or significant noise are detected.

Barrier Mesh (E)

EQUIP a Barrier Mesh disc. FIRE to throw forward. Upon landing, the disc generates barriers from the origin point that block character movement.

Annihilation (X)

EQUIP a Nanowire Accelerator. FIRE to unleash a pulse of nanowires that captures the first enemy contacted. The cocooned enemy is pulled along a nanowire path and will die if they reach the end, unless they are freed. The nanowire cocoon is destructible.

Riot devs on Deadlock: “[She is] for players who wanted to hold their ground actively”

Alexander Mistakidis, Game Designer at Riot Games, was asked about the goals of Deadlock's design. “Our gameplay goal for Deadlock was to create an Agent for players who wanted to hold their ground actively with their utility, as opposed to needing to set up their utility in advance,” said Mistakidis. “Our hope is that this appeals to players that value being able to nimbly audible their plays and strategy based on information about their opponents.”

Mistakidis had a fascination for hook characters, citing Blitzcrank from League of Legends as an example. He described it as a personal challenge to bring hooks to VALORANT without overpowering the rest of the Agent and ability pool. “It was a tough problem to crack that encouraged skepticism, as we didn’t want the hook to overpower gunplay or the fundamentals of the game. This was an adventure that took many iterations and attempts to build confidence in. From ultra bouncy hooks with arcing gravity to some that dragged through walls, or even locking players in prisons that had to be opened from the outside. My hope is that the Annihilation ability we landed with offers the high skill outplay opportunities to Deadlock players while still being engaging for everyone involved.”

Mistakidis added that scorpions were a big inspiration behind Deadlock's design. “Spiders might spin their web and wait for it to do the work, whereas scorpions have to hide and then spring into action, putting themselves at risk. They use their pincers (abilities) to restrain and kill prey, or to prevent their own predation. Their venomous sting (ultimate Annihilation) is best saved for a dire defensive situation.”

Agent Lead John Goscicki had a similar concept in mind. “A lot of what Deadlock is doing is lying in wait for people to come to you, and reacting to the situation at hand. There was an improvisational nature to it all, of someone that is honed in their craft, and knows what tool to use depending on what comes at them. This resonated with tropes of someone surviving against extreme/otherworldly odds, getting out alive with just what they were able to work with. Deadlock is bringing her skills, and tools to the game, it’s up to you to use them correctly to stall every enemy push :)”

Deadlock Contract

With Episode 7, the Progression System is receiving changes, Deadlock's Agent Gear consists of:

  • Tier 1: Cyber Oak, Spray
  • Tier 2: VALORANT Deadlock, Player Card
  • Tier 3: Wired, Title
  • Tier 4: Crossed Wires, Spray
  • Tier 5: Kingdom Credits
  • Tier 6: Nanowire Cartridge, Gun Buddy
  • Tier 7: Deadlock Spray, Spray
  • Tier 8: Ståljeger, Title
  • Tier 9: Into the Vault, Player Card
  • Tier 10: Resolution, Gun Skin (Classic)

Deadlock and Episode 7 Act I hit live servers on June 27th, 2023.