When it was announced Deadpool would be making his debut in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, many fans were curious if the merc with a mouth would keep the R-rating or clean up his act a bit to fit in with a PG-13 rating like all other theatrical entries in the franchise. Ryan Reynolds and several others promised it would still be rated-R when it released, and with its official rating on the books, Deadpool and Wolverine has made MCU history.

It was confirmed on Wednesday that the Motion Picture Association of America handed Deadpool and Wolverine an R-rating for “strong bloody violence and language throughout, gore and sexual references,” according to CBR. With the rating official, the film will be the first R-rated theatrical entry in the MCU in the franchise's 16-year history.

MCU Deadpool 3 poster with Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool and Hugh Jackman as Wolverine.

The rating had previously been affirmed by several attached to the project, most notably Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige, who expressed his own excitement for what Deadpool and Wolverine is bringing to the MCU.

“It's f***ing awesome,” Feige said at April's CinemaCon. “I'm allowed to say that! It's R-rated!”

Welcome to the MCU, Mr. Pool

It wasn't always a certainty, though, as fans were concerned about what Deadpool in the MCU would look like when Marvel Studios announced it was making Deadpool 3. The main point some viewers brought up online was if the character would be toned down from his first two theatrical outings under 20th Century Fox.

Reynolds assured fans on multiple occasions this wouldn't be the case and Deadpool 3 would fit right in with the previous entries while also integrating the character into the MCU. After Feige and Disney publicly assured fans Deadpool and Wolverine would have an R-rating, Reynolds was quick to express his excitement and gratitude.

“I hope it doesn't sound condescending, I'm really proud of them for doing this,” Reynolds told previously Fandango. “I think it's a huge step for them. I mean, it adds a whole other color to this kaleidoscopic wheel that is that company, and the different people that they have been entertaining forever. I was surprised though, that they let us go as hard R. But very grateful.”

The Best at What They Do

Deadpool and Wolverine picks up a few years after the events of Deadpool 2 and sees the titular mercenary leave that life behind with his fiancee Vanessa in favor of a quiet life as a used car salesman. However, he is quickly roped back into action by the Time Variance Authority, which recruits Wade Wilson for a mission to save his home universe.

To accomplish this mission, though, the reluctant Deadpool needs to recruit an even more reluctant Wolverine who let his universe down. The pair will need to work together to stop the multiversal threat and rewrite the history of the MCU, but that's if they don't end up killing each other first.

Alongside Reynolds, the film marks the official MCU debut for longtime Wolverine star Hugh Jackman in what will be his ninth appearance as the hero.

Deadpool and Wolverine is scheduled to release in theaters on July 26, 2024.