Diablo 4 received a really warm welcome from Steam players as the game debuted on the storefront earlier this week, with fans showing their displeasure towards Activision Blizzard's treatment of the game and its player base months after its launch.

It shouldn't be a surprise by now that Triple-A games that have had problematic relationships with their fans since after launch would get harsh treatment from their fans on Steam when the game eventually finds its way to Steam. This is similar to what happened to Overwatch 2 when it first came out on Steam months ago. It doesn't matter that Diablo 4 launched positively for both fans and critics alike when it first came out earlier this year. What has happened in between from then and now has soured any relationship that Activision Blizzard may initially have had with fans.

The majority of the review bombing comments criticized Activision Blizzard's greedy practice of putting expensive microtransactions and live service elements in a full-priced game, such as the game's battle pass that players have to purchase every season for about $10 on top of the game's $70 price tag. Many also criticized the game's lackluster seasonal content, which came in time for the game's transition to Season 2.

There are also those who criticized actual elements of the game, calling Diablo 4's endgame content to be lacking, and talking about how some of the game's UI elements are a confusing mess that makes it hard to navigate from one menu to another, especially when playing with a gamepad.

Overwatch 2 never recovered from its initial launch on Steam, and it appears that it will never recover, given how Activision Blizzard has pretty much given up on the game. Diablo 4, to be fair, didn't receive the same amount of hostility that Overwatch 2 did, as it's not yet near the bottom of the list of all games' review scores on Steam, but only time will tell if Diablo 4 will share the same fate as its cousin game on Steam and fall into infamy, never to see green ever again.