When the Deadpool & Wolverine popcorn bucket was released, it was immediately compared to the other, earlier monstrosity of a bucket, Dune 2's.

Now the director of the movie based on Frank Herbert's novels, Denis Villeneuve, has commented on the superhero merch, to Canada's eTalk.

“They are tremendously jealous of our bucket. They are doing their best to try and bring something horrific to the world. But the Dune bucket is unmatchable. The Dune bucket was one of a kind,” he said.

Most of the commenters under the X (formerly Twitter) post wrote that what made the Dune bucket “unmatchable” and “one of a kind” is that its creators most likely didn't intend for their bucket to have the kind of appeal it did. Or for SNL to use it as a centerpiece for one of their skits.

To be fair, if there is anything in the Dune universe more suited to be made into a food receptacle, it had to be the sandworm. After all, the mouth and its frightening set of teeth seemed to be tailor-made for it. However, the internet being what it is, most people took it as this freaky thing.

If you're the kind of person who touched grass every once in a while, you probably saw the popcorn bucket in the shape of a sandworm and thought, “Huh. It makes sense.” But the world is made up of all kinds of people. And most of the one on the internet saw it differently. They took one look at the bucket and their minds went… elsewhere. Everywhere but what its creators probably intended.

Enter Deadpool & Wolverine… and also Ryan Reynolds' Maximum Effort. They saw the bucket. They saw what it did to the people on the internet. And then they took a look at each other and said, “Bet.”

Or at least that's how I imagine their marketing process to be.

The Deadpool & Wolverine's answer to the Dune bucket is genius in its simplicity. It's nothing like the sandworms. In fact, it's just Wolverine's head in his trademark yellow suit. Well, and the fact that he has his mouth wide open, perfect for a moviegoer's hand to go through to reach the popcorn.

And what's a movie popcorn without its butter? Unfortunately, there's nowhere to put the butter other than to drizzle in on the popcorn once it's inside Wolverine's mouth. However, sometimes it's the presentation that counts.

So how does one deliver the butter onto the popcorn? Have it drizzle down Wolverine's nostrils.

With Deadpool & Wolverine hitting theaters on July 26, there's still time for an addition to the popcorn bucket that may place it ahead of Dune's: a jerry-rigged something behind Wolverine's nostrils (I'm not an engineering; I'm just spitballing ideas here) where melted butter can be placed and a button somewhere to trigger the butter into flowing inside.

Or it could be done outside, if you prefer form over function. It's an idea. Not a good one, but still an idea.

What do you think?