As per League of Legends tradition, the winning team of every year's World Championship get to pick and choose champions to don their org's colors. After EDward Gaming claimed the Summoners' Cup for themselves late last year, it's about time that the EDG Worlds skins get revealed.

The skins that they landed on are Zoe, Graves, Viego, Yuumi, and Aphelios. Check them out in EDG's iconic black:

EDG's jungler Zhao “Jiejie” Li-Jie shared his thoughts on a Chinese online forum, saying “They look very cool! I can only say (thumbs up emoji). And it’s the whole team that looks very cool, not just one champ. His support Tian “Meiko” Ye also apparently requested the League skins team to model EDG Yuumi after his cat. Here's EDG Meiko's cat. See some resemblance?

Multiple sources also reported that the reason for the delay of the skins were because of a change in champions. Initially, the support champion was intended to be Lulu but for unknown reasons was changed into Yuumi. Fans of the scene got an absolutely wholesome story out of it though!

It is currently unknown when the EDG Worlds skins will be available, but it's highly unlikely to be on Patch 12.9.

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