The eighth major update of Fallout 76 has been announced by Bethesda in Xbox’s E3 2021 Livestream. Steel Reign will be the conclusion to the long-running Brotherhood of Steel story arc. The storyline saw the day of light ever since the sixth update of Fallout 76 which was titled Steel Dawn.
Quick recap of Fallout 76: Steel Dawn going into Steel Reign
Steel Dawn is the first chapter in the Brotherhood of Steel Storyline. Paladin Leila Rahmani, the leader of the Brotherhood First Expeditionary Force, made her arrival in Appalachia from California. High Elder Roger Maxson appointed Rahmani and her crew to restore the Brotherhood's presence in Appalachia. You are tasked to help the Brotherhood rebuild its society and locate valuable technology.
As seen in the trailer, it focuses on the conflict between Rahmani and Shin. The implication being, the player now has a moral dilemma to choose between Justice or Duty. It’s now up to you how this bitter rivalry will turn out.
Players were given the opportunity to play some parts of the game during its PTS launch back on June 4. Steel Reign will immediately pick up from where the player left off in Steel Dawn. The first quest for Steel Reign’s questline will be called “A Knight’s Penance” which will be accessible after the player has finished Steel Dawn’s “Best Defense” quest.
Will you fight for what’s right or will you continue to serve your purpose? Steel Reign will launch on July 7, 2021.