Fortnite v18.30 release date update is going to be on October 26, 2021. We could see the return of either the Combat Shotgun or Boogie Bomb.

The Fortnite Status Twitter page recently posted about the upcoming Fortnite v18.30 update. In the tweet, they slightly teased the player base of what weapons might make a comeback to the game. The caption reads “Do you fight with force… or with groove?” which is hinting towards the Combat Shotgun and Boogie Bomb. It may sound like Epic Games is making us choose, however, we hope both make a comeback in the arsenal.

Players won’t be able to play Fortnite v18.30 release date for a few hours during downtime come October 26. Matchmaking will no longer be available 30 minutes before downtime begins. Downtime for patch 18.30 starts at 8:00 UTC and will last for at least a couple of hours. 

This wouldn’t be the first time that Epic has given players the opportunity to choose what vaulted weapon should return. Just recently players got to vote in previous events and saw the return of the Combat Assault Rifle. This is somewhat of great fan service and at the same time a great way to keep things fresh. While players are having nostalgic feels, it also does away from players easily getting tired of using the same weapons. Hopefully Epic decides to add other vaulted weapons such as the LMG and Thermal Scoped Sniper in the mix soon.