We’re already in the month of October which means it’s the season to be spooky once again. Fortnite’s Halloween celebration brings players new skins, new game modes, and more to arrive in the coming days. Here’s everything you need to know about Fortnitemares 2021. 

Fortnitemares 2021 Start & End Date: When is Fortnitemares 2021?

The Fortnite island is about to get spooky again since Fortnitemares will go live on October 5, 2021. It’ll be a nearly month-long event because Fortnitemares will end come November 1, 2021. This comes as great news to Halloween enthusiasts out there because now they can savor a horrific Fortnite experience for a while. 

New Skins

Fortnite’s item shop is getting a spooky makeover with the arrival of Fortnitemares skins. This year the item shop brings to us new skins such as Frankenstein’s Monster and The Mummy. Both skins will be part of the Universal Monster Set, however, The Mummy will come at a later date. 

In addition to these new skins are the returning ones. Punk, Hollowhead, and Ghoul Tropper are some of the returning Holloween skins this year. These returning skins will also have brand new colorways so players could switch it up a bit. 

Epic Games has been quiet about what other skins are in store for this Halloween season. Considering that Fortnitemares is a month-long event, more returning and new skins could possibly come to the item shop soon. It’s also worth noting that these new skins will also be NPCs in the battle royale map. 


The third time’s the charm as they say. For the third consecutive year, Shortnitemares returns once again in celebration of Fortnitemares. Shortnitemares is an in-game film festival wherein players watch Halloween-themed animated shorts. In the past Epic Games featured the film fest in their Party Royale mode. This year is going to be a little different because Shortnitemares will take place in a creator-made movie theater. We can expect the film festival to go live on Fortnitemares’ 4th week. 

Fortnitemares Creative Modes

Thanks to the Fortnitemares Community Callout, Epic Games got to work with the community to create new creative game modes. Epic wasn’t entirely specific with what’s to come, however, we can definitely expect Halloween-themed creative modes. All these new creative modes will only last during Fortnitemares 2021, better make the most out of it. 

It’s also worth mentioning that a reliable leaker named “Hypex” tweeted about new gameplay coming alongside Fornitemares. Basically, the leaker data mined Fortnite and found a folder named “FortnitemaresGameplay”. Sadly, there weren’t any specifications about what could potentially come this Halloween season. 

This doesn’t come as a surprise though since Fortnitemares has always had their own game modes in previous years. Before community creations even existed, there were Epic original game modes revolving around Fortnitemares. Some of these game modes featured players turning into ghosts tasked to capture other players on the map. We could assume that these modes could return this year after hearing about the “FortnitemaresGameplay” leak. 

The Cubes are Rolling Out

If you’ve been following Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8’s story thus far, the cubes have been on the move. Each day these cubes keep on moving from one location to another. For this Fortnitemares season, the diabolical cubes have something in store for the islanders. 

This is all the information that we have so far regarding Fortnitemares 2021. Players should expect more skins, quests, content, and updates to come during the event. Get your spook on and participate in Fortnitemares 2021 today!