It's time for Fortnite fans to celebrate, as Halo's Master Chief and Walking Dead's Daryl Dixon and Michonne will be included in future installments. The announcement was made during the Game Awards with their release set on December 16.

Xbox published a video where two iconic Halo soldiers from the online web series Red vs. Blue had a conversation with famous Twitch Streamer Richard Tyler “Ninja” Blevins. Based on their conversation, Master Chief isn't the only headline acquisition as the game's iconic Blood Gulch map will also make an appearance starting tomorrow at 10am ET in the game's creative mode.

Daryl Dixon and Michonne's arrival has also been revealed where they were transported to another universe by a Fortnite character. It will be interesting to witness a game mode that introduces zombies in the Battle Royale equation.

This isn't the first time that Epic Games introduced characters from other universes as they've included other noteworthy DLCs. Marvel characters like Iron Man, Wolverine, and Galactus made their debuts together with their DC counterparts. The Mandalorian, Kylo Ren, and other Star Wars characters have also been included. Even streamers have their own respective skins as seen with how Epic designed Ninja's apparel.

Given their strategy, it can be noted that Epic is focusing their sights in accommodating fan service. The huge variety that they're implementing means that there are no limits in increasing their fanbase, tapping from every community.

These crossover events are the game's primary selling point as fans would flock to purchase these new features.