The 2nd Anniversary of Genshin Impact occurs on Version 3.1, and we're getting some exciting rewards to celebrate.

With only about a week left until Genshin Impact Version 3.1, let's take a look at all of the free stuff we're getting!

Path of Gleaming Jade

The first event is Path of Gleaming Jade, a Daily Event Login. Much like the First Anniversary's Passage of Clouds and Stars, it also grants 10 Intertwined Fate over the course of the seven days that you have to log in to claim the rewards. If the previous one is anything to go off of, the rewards for each day of Path of Gleaming Jade would be:

  • Day 1: 1x Intertwined Fate
  • Day 2: 80,000 Mora
  • Day 3: 2x Intertwined Fate
  • Day 4: 18x Mystic Enhancement Ore
  • Day 5: 2x Intertwined Fate
  • Day 6: 8x Hero's Wit
  • Day 7: 5x Intertwined Fate

Second Anniversary Rewards

The Genshin Impact Version 3.1 Special Event Livestream also gave a sneak peek at the other rewards we'll get. Apart from the 10 Intertwined Fate from Path of Gleaming Jade, players will also receive 1600 Primogems straight to their in-game mail as part of the celebration. Not only that, but it also comes with 4 Fragile Resin to make material gathering easier, especially for those wanting to build the new characters Cyno and Nilou.

Travelers will also get a Jumpy Dumpty Party Popper, a gadget which launches colorful confetti, and Cloud Retainer's Damasked Device, a companion in the form of a small owl that flies alongside the Traveler in their adventures.

Shop Reset

The Initial Top-Up Bonus from Genesis Crystals will also be reset after the Version 3.1 update. The top-up bonuses that have not been redeemed before the reset does not accumulate and therefore it is not possible to obtain two double bonuses in any top-up level, so if you're planning to cash in on some of the current bonuses do so while it's still Version 3.0.

The maintenance period for the Genshin Impact Version 3.1 update will begin on September 29, 2022 6:00 AM Server Time, and is expected to end on September 29, 2022 11:00 AM Server time. This downtime will also be compensated for an expected value of 600 Primogems, unless there are extensions. For more Genshin Impact news, click here.