The team that put together Godzilla: Minus One is very happy in a big way.

They just learned of a giant Oscar nomination for Best Visual Effects, Vulture reports.

Godzilla: Minus One gets Oscar-nomination

There’s a video on social media of the team behind the movie reacting to the news. It contains streamers, yelling, hands up in the air, and some high-fives. Even mini-Godzillas are watching the monitor, anticipating the nomination.

Obviously, they’re extremely happy about the honor.

Do you know who else should be celebrating? Godzilla (not the mini ones). After 70 years of being in films, our favorite monster has made it to the big awards show.

Godzilla debuted in 1954 and has appeared in 37 feature films.

Another interesting aspect of this newest Oscar-nominated film is it had only 35 artists behind it, The Hollywood Reporter states. It has 610 VFX shots and worked on a shoestring budget of around $10 to $15 million.

It’s been a successful feature, grossing over $100 million in the U.S. and the 5th highest-grossing foreign language film in the history of the U.S. box office.

The director, Takashi Yamazaki, said in a Vulture interview, “Once you have Godzilla fighting any kaiju, the human story ends up taking a backseat. It’s great to have Godzilla fighting whoever, but my personal challenge would be to resolve that balance. The kaiju can battle, but the human story needs to be there.”

He also added, “I think with the 70 years of the history of Godzilla, that metaphor and representation of Godzilla has kind of gotten diluted over time.”

Diluted or not, whatever is happening with the giant beast is working. Along with a popular Apple+ series, Godzilla seems to be here to stay. And now, it might be an award-winner.