New corporate culture will prevent Grand Theft Auto 6 (GTA 6) from releasing before 2024, 2025, says rumors.

Known video games leaker Tom Henderson spoke about everything he knows about GTA 6 on a Youtube video. There's a lot to unpack in his claims – including Fortnite-like events that will push the game's narrative as well as returning to Vice City but in a modern setting. However, none of these would matter anytime soon if the game won't be coming out immediately. According to Henderson, GTA 6 is currently still in the early stages of development, and we shouldn't expect it to come out until 2024 or 2025.

This long wait may be attributed to a change in work culture over at Rockstar Games. As reported  by Kotaku in April of 2020, Rockstar Games took efforts to remove “crunch time” from their vocabulary. This follows reports of burn out from developers when under crunch time leading up to the release of Red Dead Redemption 2.

Of all of Henderson's claims about GTA 6, Jason Shreier, the very same reporter from Kotaku who wrote the April 2020 article, corroborated about the GTA 6 release date. He tweeted Sunday, saying: “[I don't know] why everyone thinks that I said GTA VI was coming in 2023. Everything Tom Henderson has said about the game matches up with what I've heard.”

In all consideration, this is a good thing. Nobody wants developers to rush the games they're making just to meet unrealistic deadlines. Whatever it takes for GTA 6 not to end up like Cyberpunk 2077, then great. It's not like Rockstar Games is bleeding money. GTA 5 and GTA Online will continue to earn them money until the next generation, after all.