Ever since the Apex Legends Season 10 Emergence update, the new legend Seer has dominated team fights. The majority of the players even think that the Ambush Artist is too OP to go against at the moment. Because Seer is still new to Apex Legends, players are still trying to figure out how to counter his abilities. Thankfully, there’s actually an easy way to beat the overpowered legend. 

Seer’s abilities work very similarly to Bloodhound’s, the only difference is that his tracking has more utility. The Ambush Artist has the ability to reveal enemy locations, highlight their footsteps, and track their heartbeats. All of those abilities combined seem very overwhelming to deal with. Honestly, this isn’t as overwhelming as you think it is, as pointed out by Reddit user u/thepepp92. In order to counter Seer’s abilities, Apex Legends players simply shouldn’t engage in a clash. It’s really that simple. This tactic may not sound too fancy, but it’s definitely effective.

If your squad is patient enough to wait for Seer’s tactical ability to wear off, you can regroup in another location. That way, the opposing squad with a Seer would still have to manually track your squad down. If Seer throws his ultimate, get out of the radius and patiently wait for an opening to counter-attack. We know many Apex Legends players out there want to play the hero role, but sometimes you need to learn when to stop and wait.

Some of you might think that this method is too basic, but honestly, that’s the only solution for now. Due to player feedback, it’s most likely that Respawn could soon be nerfing Seer. When that time comes, hopefully, it'll open up new ways to counter Apex Legends‘ Ambush Artist.