Friends alum Jennifer Aniston revealed she texted Matthew Perry on the day he passed away.

She discussed this in a recent interview with Variety, where she was chatting about her Apple TV+ series The Morning Show with Reese Witherspoon.

Jennifer Aniston discusses texting with Matthew Perry on the day he died

During the interview, the actress was asked how she felt Matthew would want the world to remember him.

“As he said, he'd love to be remembered. He was happy. He was healthy. He had quit smoking. He was getting in shape. He was happy — that's all I know,” she said. “I was literally texting with him that morning, funny Matty. He was not in pain. He wasn't struggling. He was happy.”

Witherspoon added to the conversation, saying, “It's important people know that.”

“It is,” Aniston continued. “I want people to know he was really healthy and getting healthy. He was on a pursuit. He worked so hard. He really was dealt a tough one. I miss him dearly. We all do. Boy, he made us laugh really hard.”

The interviewer mentioned all the tributes Perry has received.

“It's so beautiful,” Jennifer said. “I hope he can know that he was loved in a way he never thought he was.”

At the end of the interview, she added, “I also have to say I think Matthew Perry's dialect, his way of speaking, created a whole different world. We went with his lead, in a way. I just added something to our joy.”

Matthew Perry was found dead in a hot tub on October 28. He was only 54. Jennifer Aniston played Rachel Green on Friends, while Perry portrayed Chandler Bing.