Here is our Magician Social Link Guide for Junpei Iori in Persona 3 Portable. The guide includes the dialogue options, his available days, and more.

This guide may contain spoilers, so do be careful.

Persona 3 Portable Junpei Iori Magician Social Link Guide

You can find him in Classroom 1F in Gekkoukan. He is there during the day on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Unlike Persona 4 and 5, Junpei does not get additional skills during battle. If you do max his Social Link, however, you will receive the Pig Key Holder, which allows the fusion of Surt.

Junpei Iori Dialogue Options

Female Protagonist

If you choose to play as the female protagonist, you can start the Social Link automatically on April 23.

The affection points below assume that you have a Persona of the Magician arcana with you.

Rank 1

  • “I know someplace that's really good! It'll be my treat! C'mon, let's go!”
    • Sweet, let's go! 0
    • Man, you're pushy… 0
  • “Umm… Alright! We'll have two specials!”
    • That sounds good. 0
    • The special? 0
  • > It's really quite delicious.
    • This is delicious! 0
    • I've never had anything like this. 0
  • “You seemed full of energy at school… but I was kind of worried.”
    • Is that why you invited me out? 0
    • Thanks… 0
  • “Still… Girls and guys livin' in the same dorm, huh? That can't be good.”
    • What are you thinking about? 0
    • Stop smirking like that. 0

Rank 2

  • > Junpei's eyes are lit up…
    • C'mon, let's go in! +3
    • What kind of movie is it? 0
    • Can we watch something else? 0
  • “There are a lot of dudes who envy me because of that…”
    • I'm… sorry? +3
    • Let them be jealous. +2
    • It can't be helped. 0

Rank 3

  • > Junpei seems a little embarrassed…
    • Where do guy friends go? +2
    • Don't you go on dates? 0
  • “He probably roasts them all differently using special waters for each type…”
    • You know a lot about coffee. +3
    • You've got good taste. +2
    • Are you making all this up? 0
  • “Oh yeah, what did you order, ?”
    • Coffee +3
    • Hot cocoa +3
    • Herbal tea 0
  • “Haha, it'd be something right out of a manga.”
    • Maybe I should give it a try, then. +3
    • Don't talk about him like that. 0
    • I'm not interested, though. 0

Rank 4

  • “…Uh, what do you want to eat?”
    • Ramen! +2
    • Anything's fine. 0
  • “That dude's completely wasted… It's broad daylight, dammit…”
    • Do you think he's okay? 0
    • Let's avoid him. 0
  • > Junpei looks disgusted.
    • Did something happen, Mister? 0
    • Junpei, let's just go. 0
  • “There have to be some parents that their kids would be better off without…”
    • That's not true! +3
    • …Like your parents? 0
    • That depends on the person… 0

Rank 5

  • > Junpei is awfully generous…
    • Thanks for the food! +3
    • Are you up to something? 0
    • Did something good happen? 0
  • > Junpei seems relieved for some reason…
    • What do you mean? 0
    • Were you worried about me? 0
  • “I think whoever took the pictures was aiming specifically at you.”
    • That's disturbing… 0
    • How did you find out about it? 0

Rank 6

  • Kenji: “[Player Name]-san, mind if we take a picture together?”
    • Sure. 0
    • Why? 0
  • Photography Club President: “Going around…? What photo is it?”
    • It's a picture of me. 0
    • It's a picture of PE class. 0
    • You're the culprit! 0
  • > Junpei asks you quietly…
    • I can trust him. 0
    • I can't trust him. 0
  • “I'll try asking my guy friends again, too. Wait right here.”
    • Thanks. +3
    • I'm counting on you. +2
    • It's all right, forget about it. 0

Rank 7

  • “You might be fine now, but you don't wanna be a tub in ten years, you know?”
    • Look who's talking. +3
    • Shut it, jerk. +3
    • I'll be fine! 0
  • > Junpei seems to stare off into the distance…
    • You'll be a great man. +3
    • You'll turn out okay. +2
    • I think you're screwed. 0
  • > Junpei mutters as if to himself…
    • Your terrible jokes? +3
    • Your brown-nosing abilities? +3
    • Your Persona abilities? 0
    • Probably not. 0
  • “Like, do you ever think about what you can do…?”
    • Of course. +3
    • Sometimes… +3
    • It's no use thinking about it. 0

Rank 8

  • “Man, I'm sorry. I just can't figure this homework out by myself…”
    • We had homework? +3
    • Ask me anything. +3
    • I don't think I can teach you… 0
  • “Alright, I'm gonna do this today! I'm gonna overcome my fear of math!”
    • You're on fire! +3
    • You'll give yourself a headache. 0
  • “Haha!”
    • Well done! +3
    • You actually did it. +3
    • I'm exhausted… 0
  • “I guess… f-friends are important, after all…”
    • I think I understand. +3
    • That's so not like you. 0
    • What're you getting at? 0
  • > Junpei jumps to his feet!
    • What're you going to do? 0
    • I'm coming too! 0
  • “Well, I've seen his face, so it's okay. You just leave him to me.”
    • You don't need to do anything. 0
    • I'll settle it myself! 0
    • Make sure you get him good. 0

Rank 9

  • “…It's just a punch.”
    • Who did it? 0
    • Did you get in a fight? 0
  • “I don't think there's going to be any more photos of you going around.”
    • You got them back for me? +3
    • Thank you! +3
  • “I think… this is my first time.”
    • First time for what? 0
    • Getting punched? 0
  • “…..”
    • Junpei… +3
    • That's not true. +3

Rank 10

  • “Ugh, I'm no good at this… Where do I start?”
    • Start what? 0
    • Going to confess your love? 0

Phone Invite April 29

  • “I bet they'd be shocked if they saw how much you can eat.”
    • You got a problem with that? +3
    • Meh, like I care. +2
    • Maybe I should eat less… 0

Phone Invite May 5

  • “I had… a little windfall, you might say, so I'm actually rich for once!”
    • Did you win the lottery? +3
    • Win big at pachinko? +2
    • Did you find a wallet? 0

Phone Invite August 5

  • “…Aw man, am I sounding like something out of a shonen manga?”
    • I think it's wonderful. +3
    • Yep. +2
    • I didn't hear a thing. 0

Summer Festival

If the protagonist wears a yukata, Junpei will get 3 affection points.

  • “Are you one of those girls who gets excited at festivals and stuff?”
    • Of course! +3
    • Not at all… 0
  • > The box is filled with individually numbered balls…
    • Pick one immediately – Get Kaleidoscope
    • Stir them around first – Get Jack Frost Doll

January 8

  • “Could you come with me for a sec?”
    • Okay. 0
    • No funny stuff, okay…? 0
    • Gonna take me to lunch? 0
  • “But now, I wonder if I'm even gonna live long enough to celebrate it…”
    • I hope that you will. 0
    • Like you'd celebrate it. 0
    • Having second thoughts? 0
  • “Man, we need to do something, and quick.”
    • We're on the case. 0
    • Everyone's scared. 0
  • “We'll always be friends, right? I mean, even after this is all over?”
    • Of course! 0
    • More like best friends? 0
    • Just friends?* 0
  • * > Junpei gives a carefree laugh…
    • Sounds great! 0
    • Friends? Not lovers…?* 0
  • * “C-C'mon, that's not funny…”
    • I wasn't joking… 0
    • Just messing with you. 0

Male Protagonist

If you choose to play as the male protagonist, you will not have Junpei Iori as your Magician Social Link. Instead, Kenji Tomochika will be your Magician Social Link.

That’s all for our guide on Persona 3 Portable’s Magician Social Link, Junpei Iori. Persona 3 Portable is available on PC. For more gaming news from us, you can check out our gaming news articles.