Since being drafted back in 2007, many have wondered what Kevin Durant‘s real height is. He is officially listed at 6-foot-9 but a lot of people disagree with it as he obviously looks taller than that.

It also helps that some pictures have surfaced online where he stands beside some players with taller listed heights who still appear even smaller than Durant.

A more recent one shows him with his Golden State Warriors teammates and Damian Jones to his right, who stands at 7-feet.

Durant was recently guested in a radio show and finally put an end to the mystery of his height. He admitted standing taller than 6-foot-9 and when asked why he had to lie about it, the former MVP and four-time scoring champion said he just wanted to mess with people.

Durant: “Since I love you guys so much… I was recorded at 6’10” and ¾ with no shoes, so with my shoes on I’m seven feet.”

Fitzgerald: “So, the 6’9” thing, we can just put that in the past.”

Durant: “I just like messing with people.”

Regardless of how tall he really stands, Durant is still a big man playing like a guard. With his ability to shoot from an extended range and create his own shots off the dribble, one thing certain is that he will go down as one of the most versatile players of all-time once his career is over.