After LeBron James signed with the Lakers, Fox 8 News showed aerial footage of his Akron home. This video is a bit strange. The video cameras flying overhead and the tremendous media scrutiny on James proves just how big LeBron has become.
He is a larger-than-life figure and he may be the most recognizable athlete on the planet. No doubt, he's the most recognizable in the United States.
James' free agency decision became national news with people leaving no stone unturned. There were people tracking private planes he may have been using and where his kids enrolled in school.
Even after he made his decision, the media scrutiny hasn't stopped. News cameras catching an aerial glimpse of James' Akron home is hopefully as over the top as the media scrutiny gets—literally and figuratively.
The positive from this video can be seen in the comments on the Facebook post. Of course, it's an internet comment section so there are a handful of rude and unnecessary comments, but the overwhelming majority are thankful Cavaliers fans.
After finally bringing a championship to Cleveland, LeBron deserves to be able to walk away on his own terms. He did what no one else could. He does not owe the city anything else in return.
Now if the television cameras could stop flying over his house and let the man be, that would be great.