LCS Summer 2022 Week 4 concludes the first round robin, and the power dynamic within the region seems to be cemented. Evil Geniuses, 100 Thieves and Team Liquid are take the top spots, will any of the other teams step up to dismantle them from their throne?

LCS Summer 2022 Week 4

LCS Standings (after Week 4 games)

RankTeamW-L Record
1.Evil Geniuses8-1
2.100 Thieves6-3
3.Team Liquid6-3
5,Counter Logic Gaming5-4
6.Golden Guardians4-5

100 Thieves vs. FlyQuest


  • 100: Seraphine, Twitch, Lucian, Fiora, Aatrox
  • FLY: Gnar, Kalista, Sylas, Ornn, Poppy


  • 100: Gragas, Wukong, Corki, Yasuo, Senna
  • FLY: Sejuani, Viego, Lissandra, Zeri, Lulu

Summary: Early agression from FlyQuest allowed them to quickly reach Soul Point, at the expense of conceding the gold lead to 100 Thieves. It was a particularly slow game, with FLY eventually getting Ocean Soul and even slaying Baron from a won fight. FLY showed dominance all throughout the game, and only gave away one kill to the Thieves.

Result: FLY win in 26:58 (100 1 – 13 FLY)

Dignitas vs. Evil Geniuses


  • DIG: Senna, Corki, Seraphine, Nautilus, Xin Zhao
  • EG: Jarvan IV, Kalista, Gragas, Yuumi, Sejuani


  • DIG: Shyvana, Viego, Sylas, Zeri, Lulu
  • EG: Gangplank, Poppy, LeBlanc, Jinx, Renata Glasc

Summary: Shyvana in the top lane might sound like a cavalier pick, but the dragon proved useful in dominating her lane opponent. DIG rotated Shyvana on lanes they needed priority on, claiming several drakes off of it. The Baron buff goes to the Geniuses, but not long after they lose multiple members. EG weren't too far ahead, but the Jinx reset made fights difficult for DIG. EG soon lose their Nexus after a lost fight.

Result: EG win in 37:02 (DIG 8 – 12 EG)

TSM vs. Cloud9


  • TSM: Lucian, Udyr, Twitch, Gragas, Azir
  • C9: Seraphine, Jarvan IV, Kayle, Sylas, Swain


  • TSM: Shyvana, Viego, Ahri, Zeri, Renata Glasc
  • C9: Gangplank, Volibear, LeBlanc, Kalista, Amumu

Summary: TSM were the first to make a move, but C9 promptly reply with their own hostility. The C9 mid-jungle duo, in particular, were key to many offensive moves. Cloud9 held the gold lead and objective lead by mid-game, even though the kills at this point were almost even. After C9 claimed the Mountain Drake, it was hard for TSM to win fights and the boys in blue simply strong-armed TSM.

Result: C9 win in 31:03 (TSM 9 – 20 C9)

Immortals vs. CLG


  • IMT: Sylas, Yone, Seraphine, Renata Glasc, Ornn
  • CLG: Azir, Fiora, Swain, LeBlanc, Taliyah


  • IMT: Gangplank, Poppy, Ahri, Zeri, Nautilus
  • CLG: Gwen, Gragas, Yasuo, Kalista, Alistar

Summary: The game, due to the team compositions, felt like a constant fistfight between the two teams. All the champs wanted to skirmish, and skirmish they did. It was always someone getting caught in the sidelane, or getting flanked, or a fight over an objective. Most of the time, these plays went in the way of IMT. However, a huge fight initiated by CLG finds 3 IMT members, and CLG simply walk up into the enemy base and take their victory.

Result: CLG win in 33:05 (IMT 14 – 12 CLG)

Team Liquid vs. Golden Guardians


  • TL: Senna, Gnar, Fiora, Aphelios, Ezreal
  • GG: Seraphine, Zeri, Kalista, Swain, Azir


  • TL: Gangplank, Volibear, Orianna, Lucian, Nami
  • GG: Sejuani, Wukong, Taliyah, Kog'Maw, Lulu

Summary: Another bloody early game, courtesy of both junglers. Whether by  player skill difference or by comp difference, TL pull ahead and by 15 minutes they were almost 7 thousand gold ahead. TL did not let go of this lead, and snowballed it until they won by the books.

Result: TL win in 31:13 (TL 21 – 12 GG)

CLG vs. 100 Thieves


  • CLG: Gangplank, Lucian, Corki, Renata Glasc, Trundle
  • 100: Seraphine, Yone, Yasuo, Ornn, Gwen


  • CLG: Fiora, Vi, Azir, Jinx, Nautilus
  • 100: Gnar, Poppy, Sylas, Zeri, Braum

Summary: 100 Thieves pull ahead early, all courtesy of their mid laner. He was promptly shut down by his counterpart, but the rest of the Thieves pick up the slack. An early ace after the a Rift Herald fight only grows this lead. During the mid game until the end, 100 Thieves dominated, finding kill after kill with little reply from CLG. CLG's solo laners were attempting to mount a comeback, but 100 Thieves were too far ahead. They kept stacking drakes, taking down structures, chipping at CLG's base's integrity. The game was over after 100 bait CLG into a fight into what would've been the Infernal soul, and the Thieves take the win.

Result: 100 win in 28:24 (CLG 7 – 20 100)

Evil Geniuses vs. Team Liquid


  • EG: Kalista, Swain, Sylas, Gangplank, Olaf
  • TL: Senna, Zeri, Seraphine, Nautilus, Miss Fortune


  • EG: Gnar, Viego, Lissandra, Ezreal, Yuumi
  • TL: Aatrox, Volibear, Zilean, Lucian, Nami

Summary: The clash of two top teams in the region delivered. TL were the first to accrue the lead, but EG take the wheel after finding a few kills. EG's reset-centric mid-jungle duo took over fights, and snowballed one kill to many. TL found their fights, but they weren't able to stand up against the Geniuses. After this victory, EG cement their spot as #1 in the LCS.

Result: EG win in 34:45 (EG 19 – 8 TL)

TSM vs. FlyQuest


  • TSM: Lulu, Lucian, Twitch, Tahm Kench, Renata Glasc
  • FLY: Sylas, Seraphine, Yone, Trundle, Jarvan IV


  • TSM: Gnar, Xin Zhao, Swain, Zeri, Rakan
  • FLY: Sejuani, Viego, Corki, Jinx, Nautilus

Summary: The game was slow, but TSM was racking up towers and dragons. Kills came as a result. FLY could not find anything apart from a single kill. TSM's Edward “Tactical” Ra even found himself a pentakill after a fight around the Hextech Drake. TSM, now powered with the Hextech Soul and the Baron buff, Simply just walked into FLY's base and took down every structure in it. To describe this game, it would be a one-sided shellacking by TSM.

Result: TSM win in 31:34 (TSM 16 – 1 FLY)

Immortals vs. Cloud9


  • IMT: Sylas, Zeri, Gangplank, Poppy, Ornn
  • C9: Seraphine, Swain, Ahri, Fiora, Irelia


  • IMT: Gnar, Viego, Corki, Kalista, Nautilus
  • C9: Gragas, Kindred, Azir, Aphelios, Braum

Summary:  The iconic C9 Kindred pick makes its way onto the Rift again, but it didn't make much of an impact. C9 surely appreciated the extra carry, helping them secure some objectives and even the Baron at one point, but the longer the game went the stronger the Corki and Kalista became. The poke from Corki allowed IMT to claim some objectives, and even the Mountain Soul. A Baron was stolen by Cloud9 but got wiped out shortly afterward. IMT was then free to waltz into C9's base and destroy it.

Result: IMT win in 41:50 (IMT 15 – 10 C9)

Golden Guardians vs. Dignitas


  • GG: Poppy, Corki, Sylas, Jarvan IV, Volibear
  • DIG: Zeri, Senna, Azir, Kog'Maw, Kalista


  • GG: Irelia, Wukong, Swain, Seraphine, Sejuani
  • DIG: Gnar, Xin Zhao, Taliyah, Lucian, Nami

Summary: Dignitas took the early lead, but Golden Guardians were quick to swing the gold lead to their favor. It was a close game, with kills being traded left and right. In particular, the jungle role once again is the catalyst for many of these plays, but Golden Guardians were the first to find a window to slay the Baron Nashor. The unconventional bot lane that the Guardians have crafted, combined with the supportive Swain in the mid-lane, forced Dignitas into uncomfortable fights. At about 25 minutes, this composition really activated with Seraphine and Irelia finally unbound from their laning duties. GG quickly whittle down the Baron Nashor for a second time despite their lack of a traditional AD carry. With the buff, GG clean out DIG's base.

Result: GG win in 31:41 (GG 16 – 10 DIG)

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