All over the world, the first week of League of Legends esports has just concluded. And while the 2022 pro season is just beginning, fans have already witnessed an explosion of moments worth remembering—from upsets to nail-biter games, from controlled macro to high-octane stomps. If you missed out on the League of Legends esports action this past weekend, we've got you covered on what to watch. Check out our picks for the most entertaining matches from each of the four major regions: LCS (Lock-In), LEC, LPL, and LCK.

Best of League of Legends: Esports games to watch (January 12-16, 2022)

LCS Lock-In game to watch: Evil Geniuses (EG) vs Team Liquid (TL)

This clash between two of the top contenders of the LCS did not disappoint in the slightest. While Lock-In itself has been chock-full of messy games and unexpected twists, NA fans will definitely enjoy this game as both sides traded blow for blow all the way until the end. The 41-minute game, which saw nearly a kill a minute on average, eventually came to its riveting conclusion around the drake pit to grab Ocean soul. One massive fight to decide the outcome: who wins out between the superteam of imports and the squad banking on developing domestic talent?

To get a sneak peek into who emerged victorious or get a recap on the other Lock-In games, check out our match results post here. Or watch the VOD on the lolesports website.

LEC Spring game to watch: MAD Lions vs G2 Esports

One team came out swinging and never looked back. This sub-30-minute game is best to watch if you're a neutral, but probably a painful one for fans of the losing team. The losing team had opted for scaling with Kassadin—a monstrous and daunting champion to go up against—but the side that won pushed the tempo of the game and never gave their opponents a way in. It's early days yet over in Europe's pro league, but we've already seen some powerhouses stumble. Of course, there's plenty of games ahead, but the taste of victory over a strong team is just as sweet regardless of when it happens in the season.

For a spoiler on who won or to catch up with the rest of the EU results, head over out our match results post here. You can also check out the VOD on the lolesports website.

LPL Spring series to watch: Rare Atom (RA) vs Top Esports (TES)

Trying not to give too much away here, but this series did not go to expectations at all. One team came into this matchup with something to prove, pulling off a tremendous 2-0 victory. And in true LPL fashion, it was a bloodbath—with 45 kills total in the 37-minute game two. One team had everything to lose and saw victory slip through their grasp at a pivotal dragon fight. In this series, we got to see a 5/1/2 Caitlyn, an 8/1/8 Tryndamere, a 5/1/6 Gwen, and a 4/2/8 Kaisa. Only two of these champion picks won, which should tell you a lot about how chaotically entertaining the series was.

Hit play on this explosive matchup by accessing the VODs on the lolesports website.

LCK Spring series to watch: Damwon Gaming (DWG) vs Gen.G

If you only have time to watch one matchup out of all four we've listed here, it absolutely has to be the DWG and Gen.G series. And if you only have time for one game, go for the second in this series. Whether you're a neutral or even a fan of the losing team, this could just be the series of 2022 already (or at least, for the Spring Split). Both teams played out of their minds, putting it all on the line as if it were the finals. And it's only been a week. (It might just be a preview of the finals for LCK Spring, or Summer, or even Worlds—unless EDG have something to say about it.)

The clash between the defending LCK champions Damwon and the new-look superteam of Gen.G showed a proper battle between two Korean powerhouses, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats the entire time. Throughout the three games, the momentum swung back and forth—there was all this action unfolding, and yet, it almost felt like a stalemate. No one really cut the game wide open, and even when we thought one team had carved a path to victory, their opponents wouldn't roll over just like that. Don't miss out on this one, folks, and let's hope their next matchup is just as exhilarating as this one.

To find out who pulled off the win or to have a look at the other LCK Spring 2022 games, visit out our match results post here. Or catch up on the action by watching the VODs on the lolesports website.