LEC Summer 2022 Week 7 features the clash between Fnatic and G2 Esports. The thing that makes it different? Neither is fighting for the top. This is also the penultimate week of LEC Summer 2022 Group Stage, which leaves only three games for each team to be played on the Superweek on Week 8.

As Week 7 began, only MAD Lions is guaranteed a playoffs slot, with the middle of the pack being only a couple games away from each other. Team BDS, however, was eliminated in Week 6 as they fall extremely behind of the other teams. Fnatic was 6-7 and G2 was 7-6 as Week 6 ended.

The Group Stage consists of a double round robin, and each team will play 18 matches. The top six teams will compete on the Playoffs, which will all be played in a best-of-5 format. After the announcement that LEC will have 4 slots in Worlds 2022, teams are eager than ever to make it to the top.

Misfits Gaming vs. Astralis


  • MSF: Ornn, Wukong, Ahri, Tahm Kench, Bard
  • AST: Gwen, Yuumi, Trundle, Akali, Jax


  • MSF: Sejuani, Poppy, Taliyah, Sivir, Leona
  • AST: Gnar, Viego, Orianna, Draven, Pyke

Result: MSF win in 29:26 (MSF 21 – 6 AST)

Team Vitality vs. Team BDS


  • VIT: LeBlanc, Gwen, Sylas, Akali, Alistar
  • BDS: Taliyah, Yuumi, Poppy, Azir, Ahri


  • VIT: Gnar, Trundle, Swain, Sivir, Renata Glasc
  • BDS: Kennen, Wukong, Qiyana, Zeri, Amumu

Result: VIT win in 24:25 (VIT 21 – 2 BDS)

Fnatic vs. SK Gaming


  • FNC: Kalista, Gwen, Jarvan IV, Sylas, LeBlanc
  • SK: Taliyah, Poppy, Draven, Rakan, Renata Glasc


  • FNC: Ornn, Trundle, Azir, Kog'Maw, Lulu
  • SK: Gnar, Wukong, Akali, Sivir, Yuumi

Result: FNC win in 24:53 (FNC 13 – 1 SK)

Excel Esports vs. G2 Esports


  • XL: Gwen, Trundle, Pantheon, Rakan, Janna
  • G2: Yuumi, Poppy, Wukong, Vi, Aatrox


  • XL: Ornn, Viego, LeBlanc, Nilah, Taric
  • G2: Sejuani, Jarvan IV, Sylas, Sivir, Lulu

Result: G2 win in 28:30 (XL 6 – 19 G2)

Rogue vs. MAD Lions


  • RGE: Draven, Yuumi, Poppy, Kalista, Sivir
  • MAD: Azir, Jarvan IV, Kennen, Lucian, Nilah


  • RGE: Gwen, Wukong, Ahri, Ezreal, Rakan
  • MAD: Sejuani, Trundle, Taliyah, Zeri, Lulu

Result: RGE win in 33:17 (RGE 11 – 3 MAD)

Astralis vs. Team Vitality


  • AST: Kalista, Draven, LeBlanc, Azir, Taliyah
  • VIT: Wukong, Sivir, Yuumi, Pyke, Bard


  • AST: Ornn, Trundle, Sylas, Twitch, Renata Glasc
  • VIT: Gnar, Jarvan IV, Akali, Zeri, Rakan

Result: AST win in 44:19 (AST 22 – 18 VIT)

Team BDS vs. Excel Esports


  • BDS: Kalista, Poppy, Draven, Gangplank, Braum
  • XL: Gwen, Trundle, Yuumi, LeBlanc, Jarvan IV


  • BDS: Ornn, Xin Zhao, Ahri, Twitch, Renata Glasc
  • XL: Gnar, Wukong, Taliyah, Sivir, Bard

Result: BDS win in 42:13 (BDS 27 – 10 XL)

Misfits Gaming vs. MAD Lions


  • MSF: Draven, Kalista, Taliyah, Twisted Fate, Lissandra
  • MAD: Gwen, Poppy, Sivir, LeBlanc, Akali
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  • MSF: Ornn, Trundle, Sylas, Twitch, Yuumi
  • MAD: Aatrox, Vi, Ahri, Zeri, Rakan

Result: MSF win in 33:03 (MSF 22 – 11 MAD)

SK Gaming vs. Rogue


  • SK: Azir, Wukong, Trundle, Vi, Jarvan IV
  • RGE: Kalista, Gwen, Yuumi, Lucian, Ezreal


  • SK: Shyvana, Poppy, LeBlanc, Vayne, Renata Glasc
  • RGE: Ornn, Pantheon, Taliyah, Sivir, Ashe

Result: SK win in 31:42 (SK 9 – 2 RGE)

Fnatic vs. G2 Esports


  • FNC: Ahri, Kalista, Gwen, Nautilus, Pyke
  • G2: Taliyah, Poppy, Ornn, Gragas, Shyvana


  • FNC: Jarvan IV, Wukong, Azir, Ezreal, Rakan
  • G2: Sejuani, Pantheon, Sylas, Draven, Renata Glasc

Result: G2 win in 32:17 (FNC 9 – 24 G2)

The full schedule can be found on lolesports.com. For more League of Legends news, click right here.