When you thought strikes in Hollywood were over, the Many Crafts, One Fight event brought the industry labor movement into the public eye ahead of AMPTP negotiations, bringing forth the possibility of another one.

It was an event for the below-the-line unions as they rallied before their latest contract negotiations held in Woodley Park in Encino, THR reports. Though this was a rally — not a strike — they threatened a walkout against the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers if demands didn’t happen.

AMPTP negotiations

Talks start Monday, as the Hollywood Basic Crafts group and the crew union IATSE are negotiating their health and pension benefits with the Hollywood trade group, the AMPTP.

IATSE vice president, Michael Miller, announced to the crowd, “I hope they’re paying attention right down the road at AMPTP.”

President of IATSE, Matt Loeb, said from the podium, “The studios can afford to give us more.” He called out to those in attendance to “get our piece.”

Another strike would devastate the film industry, considering it’s still rebounding from last year’s SAG-AFTRA and WGA strikes.

Below-the-line unions have expressed concerns for a while now, especially since last year’s strikes made job opportunities challenging. The priorities in negotiations are an increase in retirement accrual rates and new streaming-based funding.

Miller said, “It’s important for our unions to be on the same page as we collaboratively negotiate for the plans not only because sustainable benefits is a shared priority for our memberships but also because recent hardships have brought behind-the-scenes crews together in historic fashion.”

There’s no definite indication that a strike will occur. Still, it’s a possibility if demands are not met. We’ll see what happens when the AMPTP negotiations happen tomorrow.